1. The global economy that boomed in the 1960s, growing at an average of 5.5% a year, and pushed ahead at a 4.5 % a-year rate in the mid-1970, simply stopped growing in 1981-198
2. 世界经济在60年代很繁荣,每年平均以5.5%的比率增长,到了70年代中期仍以平均以4.5%的比率增长,但是在1981年到1982年就完全停止增长了。(按照时间顺序)
2. This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party
3. Congress has made laws requiring most pressure groups to give information about how much they spend and how they spend it, the amount and sources of funds, membership, and names and salaries of their representatives.
4. As the West sleepwalks into a decade in which moral confidence and steadfast ness will be increasingly needed and decreasingly found, and as a cry for leadership issues from millions who probably would not recognize it if they saw it, and probably reject it they did, John Paul II becomes more fascinating. (分析句子结构要从语法上开始)
5. 句子前后调整:全部倒置
With a view to successfully maintaining a balanced system implemented by a basically even distribution of Federal resources, Federal financial aid is given only if a state has acceptable standards of administration.
6. A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slam when in the USA the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.
7. I think that①it will be of interest to every one of us hereafter,
②whether we keep a diary or not, to ③note down a sheet of pages the actual circumstance which ④made him or her realize that this terrific episode had begun, and ⑤to record the exact time and hour when he or she experienced that circumstance.
分译(Splitting/ dividing)某些成分从句子主干中拆开,另行处理(按照汉语句子结构安排以及词组之间的搭配)
8. An ou tsider’s success could even curiously help the two parties to get the agreement they want.
9. The number of the young people in the U.S. who cannot read is incredible about one in four.
10. Strolling unescorted at midday past a major concentration of the huts just a block from the city’s central avenues I none the less saw many signs of occupation.
11. This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacation, a land of magic and wonder.
A: 这个地方现在已经成为冬夏两季的休假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观,而从前精疲力竭的旅游者都只能到此止步。B: 这个曾经让筋疲力尽的旅游者都到此止步地方,现在已经成为冬夏两季的休假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观。
12. Such is human nature in the west that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
13. A justification beyond dispute follows that planned obsolescence and its resultant throw-away mentality ought to be
done away with.
14. Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and mon
ths and years to come. 有时我想,把每一天都当作生命的最后一天来过,也许是一种极好的生活准则。这种态度会使生命的价值鲜明突出,使我们以优雅的风度、旺盛的精力和高度珍惜的心情度过每一天;而当我们觉得岁月延绵不断,来日方长时,往往失掉这种态度。(注意增词)