Handling of Customer Complaint
1.0 目的Purpose:
确使客户获得满意的服务,对客户的抱怨采取适当的处理措施,以维持公司信誉,并谋求公司改善。 Handle customer complaint properly to ensure total customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
2.0 范围 Scope:
己完成交货手续之本公司产品,遭受客户因质量不符或不适用之抱怨,以及客户要求改善而未如期处理之事项。 Apply to customer complaint for delivery quality failure and untimely customer site support.
3.0 定义Definitions
4.1 PM:项目经理 Program Manager.
4.2 PA:项目助理 Program Assistant.
4.3 QE:品质工程师 Quality Engineer
4.4 ME:制程工程师 Manufacturing Engineer
4.0 职责Responsibility:
4.1 QE负责受理客户投诉,分析,验证并回复客户采取的纠正预防措施。QE is in charge of handling the complaint from customers, analyzing root causes occurred, verifying and replying the corrective and preventive actions taken by FP.
4.2 PM/PA/生产部/QC/ME参与客户投诉处理,制定并执行纠正预防措施。PM/PA/Production/QC section/ME take part in finding out root cause occurred and takes the corrective and preventive action timely.
5.0 程序 Procedure:
5.1 客户抱怨处理流程图请见第4Customer complaint disposition flow chart
5.2 客户投诉记录在《8D CARQF-QC-022或客供表格中。 Customer complaint is recorded in << 8D CAR>> or customer supplied form. customer的中文意思
5.3 接到投诉后,PM/PA/QE首先和客户电话联系了解详细情况,根据客户投诉的实际内容,核查是否为客户原因还是本公司原因造成,再检查生产现状是否有同样的问题。  Upon receiving customer complaint, PM/PA/QE should ask customer to provide more details then investigate this issue was caused by F.P. process or customer line, and check whether the same problem exists in existing production.                             
5.4 QE对客户投诉之有关部门或工作岗位进行调查或作有关原因分析,如有需要时,需准备相关数据﹑产品,召集相关人员召开会议,必要时,会议需记录。一般情况下,QE在作原因分析时下列2点需要考虑:一是本公司仓库和生产线是否有因同一原因造成的不良品。二是是否有同批的产品或同类的产品出至客户。QE investigates the root causes with concerned dept, or responsible personnel, call a meeting if needed, keep the record of meeting minutes if necessary. Generally the following 2 conditions need be considered. One is whether our FP warehouse and workshop have the same defect caused by the sam
e cause; the other is whether FP has delivered the same defective product to customer.