



2024-05-19 10:46:09

英语演讲稿:只需专注10分钟  We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something.  So with that in mind, I'd like you just...


2024-05-19 10:44:56

TE D⼀切只需10分钟的专注We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we're always doing something.我们⽣活在⼀个异常纷杂的世界。 ⽣活的步调时常快得疯狂,我们的头脑(⼼灵)⼀直忙碌运转着, ⽽我们每时每刻...


2024-05-17 01:25:41

Busy or Not: A Day in the Life    Today, like any other day, began with the familiar routine of checking my schedule. The sun was shining brightly outside, casting a warm glow over my bedroo...

Unit 5 短语 词性转换讲义-英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

2024-05-14 10:02:11

一.短语1.hold your horses 慢点,别急2.rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨3.brave the elements 不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨4.after all 毕竟,终究5.manage to do 设法做成6.the solution to ……的解决方法7.cut down trees 砍伐树木8. be famous/known for 因……而著名9.b...


2024-05-14 09:29:43

如何让自己快乐英语作文    英文回答:    Happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved through a variety of means. Some people find happiness in material possessions, while others find it in re...

王国风云2 作弊码

2024-04-22 18:47:52

event RIP.21122event RIP.11705 首都加一块地event 1001 暴食/节制event 1002 暴食/节制event 1003 慷慨/贪婪event 1004 懒惰/勤奋event 1005 和蔼/嫉妒(女用)event 1006 和蔼/嫉妒(男用)event 1007 易怒/耐心event 1008 骄傲/谦虚event 1009 狡诈/诚实event 1010...


2024-04-22 17:21:32

需要修改的英语作文范例回答1:English answer:In order to improve our writing skills, it is important to analyze and revise our own work. Therefore, I have provided an example of a poorly written essay that needs mod...


2024-04-04 20:34:48

踢键子比赛的作文In the bustling city of Beijing, an unusual competition captivated the crowd. It was not a game of football or basketball, but a unique sport called "Key Kick." This traditional Chinese game r...


2024-04-04 13:11:40

手机的缺点作文一百字html手机网站    英文回答,One of the disadvantages of using a mobile phone is that it can be a distraction. For example, when I am trying to concentrate on my work, I often find myself chec...


2024-04-01 00:51:08



2024-03-22 07:41:46

话题:观点建议作文题目:专注每一件事It ' s important to understand " Less Is More ". From my point of view , we are supposed to focus on getting a few things done at a time to be productive rather than rushing to work...


2024-03-16 22:13:04



2024-03-09 08:18:18

三个方法重拾对生活的热情(英汉对照)I. Enjoy What You Have享受你所拥有的一切One of the best ways to love your current life is to write a list of things youre grateful for. It doesnt matter if they seem small or insignificant: l...


2024-03-06 19:36:02

文章翻译成中文原文:Article: How to Stay Focused in a World of DistractionsIn today's fast-paced world, it can be incredibly challenging to stay focused on a task with all the distractions that surround us. Whe...


2024-02-04 22:27:05



2024-02-04 19:35:33

  centr-center 中心  central  a.中心的,中央的,中枢的;主要的(centr+al形容词后缀)  ★centralization  n.集中化(central中心的+ization→集中化)  ★concentrate  v.(on)集中,专心;浓缩n.浓缩物(con共同+centr+ate动词后缀→集...


2024-02-04 12:21:20

Contents●History●Development●Faction Category●Yoga's eight branch of law●Action●Yoga Basic Action Series●Cultivation equipment●History瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一。它产生于公元前,是人类智慧的结晶。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的观想和静定状态...


2023-12-17 23:27:34

2021年考研《英语二》阅读真题及答案  Text 1  It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.  Mr. Koziatek is part of some...
