



2024-05-16 21:14:48

《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵经典台词集锦reaction mass1.Oh, I'm sorry. Did I insult you? Is your body mass somehow tied into your self worth?哦,对不起。我有冒犯你吗?你的体重跟自我价值有关系?2.Do you realize I may have to share a Nobel Prize with yo...


2024-05-16 07:34:20

reaction to a book or an article大一英语期末重点词汇汇总本文将详细介绍大一英语期末重点词汇汇总,包括词汇的定义、用法及例句等。1. Noun(名词)1) Definition: A word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.例:person (人), place (地方), thing (物品), idea...


2024-04-28 07:38:18



2024-04-28 07:34:47

attire造句attire造句如下:1、Her attire tonight has attracted many single men at parties.她今晚的穿着吸引了很多派对上的单身男性。2、The man was attired in a white dovetail dress.这个男子的穿着一身白的燕尾礼服。3、This restaurant h...


2024-04-22 17:02:16

关于草东没有派对的作文    English Response:    No Party in Grassland: A Disappointing Weekend.    As the weekend approached, I was eagerly anticipating the Grassland Party, a highly...


2024-04-05 16:16:57



2024-04-05 15:58:36

1. mother 母亲2. passion 激情 tickle3。 smile 微笑 4。 love 爱 5。 eternity 永恒 6。 fantastic 奇异的 7。 destiny 命运 8. freedom 自由 9。 liberty 自主 10。 tranquillity 安宁 11。 peace 和平 12. blossom 花丛 13. sunshine 阳光 14。 swee...


2024-04-05 15:58:25

70个最优美的英语单词1. mother 母亲2. passion 激情3. smile 微笑4. love 爱tickle5. eternity 永恒6. fantastic 奇异的7. destiny 命运8. freedom 自由9. liberty 自主10. tranquillity 安宁11. peace 和平12. blossom 花丛13. sunshine 阳光14. sweet...


2024-04-05 10:54:04

不为与不能作文框架    英文回答:    The topic of "not being able to" or "not wanting to" is something that we all encounter in our lives. There are various reasons why we may not be able or will...


2024-03-31 16:06:00

街上派对英语绘本内容简介Today is a special day. Lots of people are having street parties. 今天是个特别的日子。很多人都在开街头派对。 It's the street party today. 今天是街头派对。 Hooray! 万岁! Albert helps Dad put up the flags in the street. R...


2024-03-19 05:27:28

This is the captain speaking.现在是机长播报We're just now passing the Arctic circle我们现在正在飞越北极圈which means we're in the Land of the Midnight Sun.也就是说我们现在已经到达极昼地区Please, sit still.拜托坐着别动What about your suitcas...


2024-03-18 22:27:21

stuff造句简单"He stuffed the rest of the cookie into his mouth."(他把剩下的饼干塞进了嘴里。)"I'm stuffed from all that food!"(我吃了太多食物,肚子都撑坏了!)"The closet was stuffed full of old clothes."(壁橱里塞满了旧衣服。)"She's always stuf...


2024-02-04 07:16:03

to的几种用法TO的几种用法TO是英语中非常常用的一个词汇,它可以作为介词、不定式符号、连词等。在不同的语境下,TO有着不同的含义和用法。下面将详细介绍TO的几种用法。一、介词1. 表示方向或目标例:He went to the store.(他去了商店。)2. 表示时间或期限例:I will finish my work by 5 o'clock.(我会在五点之前完成我的工作。)3. 表示比较例...


2024-02-01 20:25:59

70个世界最美的单词^^70mostbeautifulwords~The 70 words were selected by 7,000 learners in 46 countries what they considered to be the most beautiful words in the English language. In addition an online poll wa...


2024-02-01 20:24:56

70mostbeautifulwords~~70个世界最美的单词^^70个世界最美的单词^^70 most beautiful words~~The 70 words were selected by 7,000 learners in 46 countries what they considered to be the most beautiful words in the English l...

my treat翻译

2024-01-15 03:49:28

my treat翻译"my treat"翻译为"我请客",是当别人和自己一起出去时,自己愿意为他们支付所有费用的表达方式。这可以表达感谢、友好和慷慨之情,并在社交场合或商务场合中使用。双语例句:1. Let's go out for dinner tonight and my treat, what do you say?今晚我们出去吃饭,我请客,你觉得怎样?2. You are always s...


2024-01-05 01:58:54

在我年纪尚轻  涉世未深的时候In my younger and more vulnerable years,父亲曾这样告诫我my father gave me some advice."多发掘他人身上的闪光点""Always try to see the best in people," he would say.父亲的教诲使我不对他人妄加评判As a consequence, I'm...

of course的用法和例句

2024-01-04 07:35:24

of course的用法和例句"of course"是一个常用的短语,表示同意或肯定某件事情是显而易见的或理所当然的。以下是几个例句及其中文翻译:1. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" - "Of course, I wouldn't miss it!"   ("你今晚要来参加派对吗?" - "当然,我不会错过!")2. "Can you h...

课时作业11:Grammar—Revise Noun Clauses(as the Subject,

2023-12-17 21:59:46

Grammar—Revise Noun Clauses(as the Subject,Object and Predicative)基础巩固Ⅰ.句型转换1.We don’t know why the girl got so angry the other day.Why the girl got so angry the other day isn’t known to us.2.There ar...


2023-12-12 21:12:53

⼈教新⽬标⼋年级上册英语Unit9课⽂翻译⼈教新⽬标⼋年级上册英语Unit 9 课⽂翻译Unit 9 Section A 1a 部分翻译Language Goal: Make, accept and decline invitations; Talk about obligations语⾔⽬标:发出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请;谈论责任义务Jenny, can you come to my party...
