



2024-05-29 13:23:58

Unit5单词讲义bounce词性:动词中文意思:弹起,反弹英文释义:to spring back after hitting a surface词源:来自古法语bounger,意为“弹起”例句:The ball bounced off the wall and hit me in the face.固定搭配:bounce back, bounce along, bounce off近义词:spr...


2024-04-22 18:57:11

Unit6单词讲义disaster词性:名词中文意思:灾难,灾害英文释义:a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural phenomenon, that causes great damage or loss of life词源:来自拉丁语的dis(否定)和aster(星星),最初指天空中异常明亮的星星,后来引申为各种灾难。例句:The eart...


2024-03-24 21:36:37

Unit8 topic talkinglesson1tap词性:名词、动词中文意思:水龙头,轻敲,窃听英文释义:n. a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or container, v. to make a light knocking sound词源:来自古英语的tappa,意为“盖子”或“塞子”例句:He turned...


2024-03-24 21:36:14

Unit10 lesson3-reading club单词讲义gable词性:名词中文意思:山墙,三角形的屋顶英文释义:a sloping roof that ends in two sides meeting at an angle, often forming a triangular shape at the end of a building词源:来自古法语gabelle,意为“倾斜”例句...


2024-03-23 23:10:52

Unit3单词讲义blog词性:名词中文意思:博客英文释义:a regularly updated personal website or web page, typically one run by an individual with varied content。词源:blog一词来源于weblog的缩写,最初由Jorn Barger于1997年创造。例句:She writes a food...


2024-03-23 23:03:22

Unit1单词讲义mood (n.)中文意思:心情,情绪英文释义:a temporary state of mind or feeling词源:来自古英语的mōd,意为“感觉”或“心境”。例句:She was in a bad mood all day.固定搭配:be in the mood for sth.(有做某事的心情)近义词:feeling, emotion, temperamentcir...


2024-02-24 07:49:09

Unit2单词讲义security词性:名词中文意思:安全,保障英文释义:the state of being free from danger or threat词源:来自拉丁语securitas,意为“安全”例句:The security of the building was breached last night.固定搭配:security guard(保安),security syste...


2024-02-24 07:46:17

Unit6单词讲义crime (名词)中文意思:犯罪,罪行英文释义:an action that is prohibited by law and is considered to be morally wrong词源:来自拉丁语 crimina,意为“过失,罪过”例句:The police are trying to solve the crime.固定搭配:commit a crime(犯罪)...


2024-02-24 07:45:43

Unit6单词讲义crime (名词)中文意思:犯罪,罪行英文释义:an action that is prohibited by law and is considered to be morally wrong词源:来自拉丁语 crimina,意为“过失,罪过”例句:The police are trying to solve the crime.固定搭配:mit a crime(犯罪),cr...


2024-01-30 11:46:10

mar=war_英语词根大全mar = war词根来源于拉丁语的mar 意为war,也有sea的意思。(mari = sea(海)来自拉丁文mare(=sea(海))——英文字根字典)1.martial (作战的mar(=war))adj.战争的;军事的;好战的The reenactment of The civil War provided a display of martial splend...


2024-01-17 17:27:47

Unit3单词讲义surfing词性:动词中文意思:冲浪,浏览网页英文释义:to ride on the surface of a moving wave; to browse through information on the internet词源:来自英语surf(冲浪)+ ing(表示进行中的动作)例句:I love surfing in Hawaii.固定搭配:surfing the w...


2024-01-06 11:41:38

Unit5单词讲义destination词性:名词中文意思:目的地,终点英文释义:a place that someone or something is traveling to, especially a final goal or purpose词源:来自拉丁语destinationem,意为“目的,目标”例句:Our destination is the beach.(我们的目的地是海滩。...


2024-01-05 01:50:51

Unit4单词讲义familiar:词性:形容词中文意思:熟悉的,常见的英文释义:known or experienced through being encountered often or repeatedly词源:来自拉丁语的"familiaris",意为"属于家庭的"例句:I am familiar with the city's layout.固定搭配:be familiar with,...


2024-01-05 01:41:13

Unit2单词讲义nest词性:名词中文意思:鸟巢,窝英文释义:a structure built by birds for laying eggs and sheltering their young词源:来自古英语nest,意为“休息的地方”例句:The bird built a nest in the tree.固定搭配:bird's nest, ant nest, nest egg近义词:...

词根词缀词源联想记忆(一) 2022届高考词汇复习

2024-01-04 02:50:49

高考词汇词根词缀词源联想记忆(一)一、从abandon到abolish1. abandon [ə'bændən] vt. 离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃 (解读一:a-=at+bandon=ban禁令。在禁令之中→放弃⾃自身权⼒力力;解读二:a-=ab-离开+band绑定;离开绑定→不不绑定→放弃)例:As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.(他在襁褓之中就...


2023-12-01 02:30:15

The impact of word classes on register differentiation by words of Latinate/Germanicorigin in English作者: 王晓平[1]作者机构: [1]上海第二工业大学文理学部上海201209出版物刊名: 外语教学register的名词页码: 31-36页年卷期: 2021年 第5期主题词: 词类;拉丁词源词汇...
