拓展精练 (37)
共20小题,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项从每题所给的四个选项从每题所给的四个选项((A 、B 、C 和D )中,
In the 19th  century there was an exhibition on the fine art in Paris .Before it
was open to the public ,several well -known artists were invited and show their opinions opinions..There was a curtain covering each painting painting..When they came near the first
painting painting,,an assistant drew the curtain away .A beautiful butterfly flew into the hall and stopped on one of the roses in the picture .All of them cheered .They all
declared that it was excellent because it confused the butterfly .
Then they came to the second painting painting..When the assistant was going to draw the
curtain curtain,,he cried ,“Wonderful!It’s the best painting I have ever seen!”,“Wonderful!It’s the best painting I have ever seen!”
All the artists were astonished and asked why he thought so so..After he told them
the reason everybody agreed with him and nodded with satisfaction .
1.This story happened in the      __.
A .1900’s in Poland  B.1800’s in Belgium  C.1700’s in Greece  D.1800’s
in France  2.According to the passage ,there_    _in hall .
A .was only one curtain
B .were two curtains
C .were a number of curtains
D .were a great deal curtains
3.It confused the butterfly .Here “confused”means      __    __.
A .cheated
B .drew
C .struck
D .moved
4.The second is even better because it      .
A .was very true to life
B .was another butterfly
C .confused the assistant
D .was beautiful
Elephants are the biggest animals on land .When born ,a baby elephant weighs
about 90 kilograms and is about one metre high high..When it is six years old old,,it is about
two metres high .When it reaches the age of twelve ,it doesn’t grow any more.It
may then be more than three metres high .African elephants are bigger than Indian elephants elephants..
Elephants have very long noses which we call trunks trunks..The elephant uses its trunk
to get food .It picks leaves and fruits with its trunk and puts the food into its mouth mouth..When it wants to drink drink,,it puts its trunk into the water water..It fills its trunk
and then draws the water into its mouth .
Elephants have two very long and strong teeth which are called tusks tusks..They use
their tusks to dig up small trees and to dig in the ground for water .
Elephants also use their tasks and trunks to lift heavy logs of wood .In some countries men catch wild elephants and train them to work for them .All day long
they work in the hot sun sun..They pull trees along and lift heavy logs logs..No
animals are stronger than elephants .
Wild elephants usually stay together in big families .Usually they move about
at night .looking for food .In the hot daytime ,they go to sleep in cool places .
Elephants are kind animals animals.When .When
one of them is hurt and can’t pull itself onto its feet ,the other elephants will lift it up and help it to work .
5 .At the age of 12,an elephant      .
A .usually weighs 90kilograms
B .will keep on growing
C .is about two metres high
D .will stop growing
6.Elephants use their trunks      . A .to lift up heavy logs of wood          B .to pick leaves and fruits
C .to draw water into their mouths
D .all of the above
7.Elephants can work for men        .
A .if they stay together in families
B .after they are trained
C .because they like to work in the hot sun
D .when they are old enough
8.This short article tells us      .
A .how elephants use their trunks and tusks
B .why elephants are so big and strong
C .something about elephants
D .that elephants are very kind and always help each other
Name: Off the Beaten Path
Cover price: $30.00
Our price: $l9.80
The best-best-selling selling Reader’s Digest travel book has 4040% % new content including over 200 new sites, over 200 new full-color photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It spotlights over l, 000 of the United States’ most overlooked must must-see -see
Name: Container Gardens by Number
Cover price: $l5.95
Our price: $9.49
A unique book contains 50 easy-to-follow container designs. Each design provides
a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with
an instruction of the finished planter and in-depth plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden.
Name: Best Weekend Projects  Cover price: $l7.95
Our price: $l3.96
Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an extraordinary living space. The projects
are practical, as well as attractive, and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear,
easy-to-follow style that addresses readers in an accessible, user-friendly tone.  Name: l80l Home Remedies
Cover price: $40.00
Our price: $29.96
Plenty of health complaints can be handled at home. Each and every remedy will
be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound.
Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters(blisters(水泡水泡水泡) to allergies() to allergies(过敏过敏), and hiccups(), and hiccups(打嗝打嗝).  ).
9. You can most probably read the passage in a ___________.
A. newspaper
B. travel guide
C. reference book    D .
D. textbook
10. How much money could you save if you want to buy a travel book?  A. $6.46              B. $l0. 20      C.$l3.96        D. $l9.8
11. Which of the following could help you to deal with common diseases without
a doctor?
A. Off the Beaten Path.
B. Container Gardens by Number.
C. l80l Home Remedies.
D. Best Weekend Projects.
1212. What’s the purpo . What’s the purpo
se of the passage?  A. To share his opinion about the books with readers.
B. To advise readers to read more in spare time.
C. To share the pleasure of reading with readers.
D. To advise readers to buy their books.
A man had to  go to court court(法院)(法院)(法院)after after he broke the law law,,and
he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing his case case(案例)(案例)
.His lawyer told him the judge’s name and asked asked,“Do ,“Do you know him?”The man answered,“No,answered,“No,but but
I want to know his name so that I can send him some valuable  gifts .”The ”The  lawyer got angry angry..“You
can’t do that,”he said. “If you should do that that,,you would be breaking the law seriously and you are sure to lose the case case.”.”.”
Some weeks later the case was heard and the man won it in the end .As he was
leaving the court ,he said to his lawyer ,“My present to the judge was quite successful successful,wasn’t ,wasn’t it?”The lawyer was even more surprised when he heard this.this.He He
asked asked,“What? ,“What?
Did you really send him some valuable gifts although I told you not to?”“Yes,to?”“Yes,certainly I did certainly I did
.”answered the man.“But I put  my enemy’s name on the card which I sent with the present.”
1313.The man wanted to know the judge’s name because he_________..The man wanted to know the judge’s name because he_________.
curtainsA .wanted to explain his case to the judge
B .wanted to make friends with the judge
C .meant to have the judge decide in his favor
D .would like to know if the judge was fair
1414..The lawyer wanted the man not to send the judge gifts because_________
. A .that would make him lose the case
B .that would not satisfy the judge a lot
C .the judge would possibly turn down the gifts
D .the judge would prefer money to the gifts
1515..The man won the case because_________
. A .of his valuable gifts
B .the judge thought that it was the man’s enemy who had sent the present
C .the judge liked the present very much
D .the man was honest
16.What do you think of the man ?
Recently we’ve had a popular department store open in our area.It’s been the talk of the town for months.On about the third day of the grand opening,I thought I’d stop by t o check it out.I noticed right away that the parking area was very busy.
As I was about to exit my car,a lady was about to enter her car to leave.She was parked on the opposite side of me and there was a four way stop behind our parking
areas.As the lady tried to back out to leave,some of the shoppers were extremely rude to her.They shouted and beeped their horns(鸣喇叭鸣喇叭鸣喇叭) ) ) at the lady and she had at the lady and she had
a look of terror on her face.She looked at me and throw up both of her hands as i she didn’t know what to do.
I gestured for the lady to put her window down and I told her that she was doing
just fine.She smiled and seemed to relex.I then became her rear view mirror(后视
镜)as it was hard for her to see behind her while backing out of the parking space.As
I watched for safety,she was able to back out enough to drive forward.
At this point,she was smiling broadly !She thanked me many times.I felt that
many of the other drivers weren’t sympathetic enough toward.I was happy to help that lady.Besides that,who knows,we may have avoided a potential accident with this simple act of patience and kindness.
17.What was the difficulty the woman met with when she wanted to leave?
A .The writer’s car prevented her from driving out.
A.The writer’s car prevented her from driving out.
B.There were too many cars parked on her way.
C.Other drivers would’nt let her car back out.
D .Some drivers weren’t patient when she backed out.
D.Some drivers weren’t patient when she backed out. 18.Faced with such a situation,the lady_______________.
A .seemed scared and didn’t know how to deal with it.
A.seemed scared and didn’t know how to deal with it.  B .didn’t pay attention to their action.
B.didn’t pay attention to their action.
C.turned to the writer for help
D.drove her car back and parked it where it used to be 1919.Noticing the woman’s difficulty,the driver __________..Noticing the woman’s difficulty,the driver __________.
Aforted her and guided her to drive out
B.offered to drive her car out of the parking area
D.stood by smiling and watched her driving by
20Compared with the writer,what the other drivers lacked was___________.
A.politeness and wisdom
B.patience and wisdom
C.bravery and kindness
D.rudeness and patience