III. Usage
1) fall ill 2) lay dead from a heart attack 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep 5) marrying young 6) to sit still for longer than a few minutes
Comprehensive Exercises
1.1) invasion 2) stand in the way 3) catching…off his guard 4)
launching 5) declaration 6) campaign 7) drag on 8) reckon with 9) bringing 10) to al halt
2.1) allow 2) reckoned 3) highly 4) forecasts 5) rapidly 6)
3d综合版instant 7) delivery 8) advantage 9) observing 10) powerful
1.1) Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the
autumn harvest in on the farm.
2) We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the
most sophisticated weapons.
3) Having been out of a job for 3 months, Phil is increasingly getting desperate.
4) Sam, as the project manager is decisive, efficient and accurate in his judgment.
5) Since the chemical plant was identified as a source of pollution, the
village neighborhood committee decided to close it at the cost of 100 jobs.
2.The offensive had lasted three days, but we had not gained much
ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack. To do this we have to cross a marshland, and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Luckily enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which had made the marshland freeze over, we arrived our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This had turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.
Text B
Comprehension Check
1.d d b a b d
Language Practice
1.d h b a f e c g
2.1) boast 2) obstacles 3) was concerned 4) call…off 5) paid off
6) was pinned down
7) contesting 8) prior to 9) hold out 10) objective 11)
responsible 12) in case
Unit 2 Text A
Language Sense Enhancement
1. care
2. impact
3. orbiting satellites
4. warn of
5. location
6. at any given time
7. vibrate
8. detected
9. calculate 10. converted
Language Focus
1.1) expansion 2) automated 3) vapor 4)take control of 5)
hazards 6) satellite 7) vibrated 8) magnetic 9) bunched 10) in the air 11) got/was stuck in 12) approximately
2.1) send out 2) stand up for 3) pass for 4) were closing in on
5)starting up 6)went through 7) fill out 8) fall into
3.1) incorporates all the latest safety features
2) two trees ten feet apart
3) awarding lucrative contracts to his construction firm
4) the prototype of a new model before they set up a factory to make
the cars
5) are correlated in all racial groups
4. 1) the application/ has turned into a reality/ are poised to
2) that vibrate/can detect/frequency
3) lanes/are mounted in/alert a /hazard
II. Word Formation
Clipped Words: kilogram/memorandum/gymnasium/liberation/doctor/veterinarian/prepara tory/ automobile/influenza
Blends:medical care/electronic mail/communications satellite/news broadcast/sky hijack/ European dollar/breakfast and lunch/television broadcast/Oxford and Cambridge
III. Usage
1) swimming pool 2) drawing board 3) enriched Middle English 4) disturbing change 5) fully developed prototype 6) canned food 7) working population 8) puzzling differences