第四课时 Section B(2a ~ 2e)
1. gate n 大门;
2. bottle n. 瓶子;
3. president n. 负责人,总统;
4. inspiration n. 灵感;
5. iron n. 铁;
6. work n. (音乐,艺术)作品
7. metal n. 金属;
8. creativity n. 创造力;
1. throw away 扔掉
2. put sth to good use 好好利用
3. pull…down拆下
4. an old boat turned upside down
5. be an inspiration to sb 成为…的榜样
6. set up a website 建立一个网站
7. a “metal art” theme park
8. be known for 以…而闻名
1.Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?你曾经考虑过怎样把这些东西充分的利用起来吗?
2. I plan to write a book about new ways to use old clothes. 我计划写一本关于使用旧衣服的方法的书。
3. Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” theme park to show people the importance of environment protection.王涛希望建一个“金属艺术”主题公园来展示环境保护的重要性
4.Not only can art bring happiness to others, but is also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.艺术不仅能带给其他人带来快乐,也显示了只需一点点创意,冰冷,坚硬的铁也能融入人们的生活。
II. 课堂环节
1. The man was stopped by the guard at the gate(大门)of the school.
2. The president(主席),Xi Jinpin was found having breakfast at QinFeng bread restaurant.
3. Lei Feng has been an inspiration(榜样)to all of the teenagers.
4. The young man has created many art works (作品)since he finished college.
5. The old man set up a factory to recycle the waste metal(金属)。
Step 1 2a 情景导入(参考案例)
1. 情景导入:
1.Which rubbish can be recycled?
2.What have you deal with your rubbish in everyday life?
Step 2
1. 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,完成短文下面的表格。 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。(3分钟)
What materials did they use?
What did they make?
Amy Hayes
A house
Jessica Wong
Old clothes
Wang Tao
Iron and other materials from old cars
Art works
2. 先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。(3分钟)
Step 3 完成教材2c-2e的任务
The answers:
    1.pulled down 2.put to good use 3.built, out of
4.set up 5.known only, but also
2. 细读短文,在文中出由2d方框中所给单词变化而来的单词,并比较它们的不同。
4. 让学生们列举出拯救环境需要做的事;哪些是普通人们每天能做的事,哪些是要政府和组织做的事?并进行小组讨论。
a. 词汇包:
work n. (音乐,艺术)作品
1. 不可数,意为:工作;劳动;作业; 功课事,成果,产品;工艺品,针线活
如:It takes a lot of work to dig a deep well.
I have to bring my work home today.
2. 作可数名词著作,作品
He is making a study of William Faulkner's works.
1. 工作,劳动,干活[(+at/on)]
She works in a restaurant.她在一家饭店工作。
2. (机器等)运转,活动
The machine won't work.机器不转了。
3. (由于使用等)逐渐变动;慢慢地前进[Q]
4. 起作用;行得通
Your suggestion works well.你的建议很有效。
1. 使工作,使干活
Don't work yourself to death.别拼命做了。
2. 开动;操作
Please tell me how to work the machine.
3. 通过努力取得;靠做工取得
4. 使缓慢前进;使逐渐变动
Can you work the screw loose?你能使这个螺钉松开吗?
5. 造成,引起;激起
This scientist worked miracles.这位科学家创造了奇迹。
He worked the farm with great success.这个农场他经营得很成功。
8. 影响;说服
I'll try to work him to my way of thinking.
9. 精工细做
10. 计算,算出[(+out)]
He has read many of Hemingway's works.
Now you can see many his art ______at the square in the city.
A.work    B. works    C. job    D. lesson
b. 句式包:
Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?你曾经考虑过怎样把这些东西充分的利用起来吗?
Put sth to good use意为“put sth to good use 好好利用”。 use 此处作名词,意为“用法,应用”
Don’t throw the books which is no use away, you may find it valuable one day.不要把没用的书扔掉, 将来你会发现它的价值的。
【横向辐射】use 的用法
一、作及物动词,发音为/ ju:z /。
1. 译为“用,使用”。例如:
We can use the lift to go up and down.
2. 译为“发挥,行使”。例如:
He promised to use his influence.
3. 译为“消耗,用尽”。例如:
They have used money up.
4. 译为“利用”。例如:
He was used by a stranger.
5. 译为“对待,相当于treat”。例如:
He used his friends worse than ever.
二、作名词,常与of 连用,发音为/ ju:s /。
1. 译为“用法,应用,使用,用途”。例如:
He makes good use of his time.
2. 译为“使用权,使用能力”。例如:
He gave me the use of his bike.
3. 译为“效用,益处,价值”。例如:
What’s the use of worrying?
4. in use译为“使用之中,使用着”。例如:
The lab is in use.
1. use (名词) → use (动词)
2. use (动词)→ used (形容词) used cars 二手车
3. use (动词) → useful(形容词) 有用的
4. useful (形容词) → usefulness (名词)有用,用处
5. use (名词) → useless (形容词)无用的
6. use (名词) → user (名词) 使用者,用户
1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事。(现在不做了)例如:My father used to be a teacher.其否定形式常用didn’t use to 或 used not to。
例如:She didn’t use to / used not to wear a skirt.
2. be used to sth / doing sth.习惯于某事或者习惯做某事,其中to为介词,其后跟名词,代词或形容词。例如:I am used to getting up early.
I3. be used to do sth = be used for sth / doing sth. 被用来做……,是被动语态,其中to 为不定式符号。
例如:A knife can be used to cut things.
4. make use of sth. 利用,使用某物。其中use也是名词,可用 good、full、more、little等形容词修饰。例如:We must make good use of time to study.
5. use one’s head 动脑筋,仔细考虑。例如:
Use your head and you’ll find a way.