Unit 3 Art for art’s sake
Active reading (1)
Dealing with unfamiliar words
4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.
1 to make up or form something(constitute)
2 happening or done at the same time(simultaneously)
3 able to do something because you have the knowledge, skill, or experience that is needed(qualified)
4 a regular pattern of sounds in music that you can show by moving, hitting your hands together, or hitting a drum or
other surface(rhythm)
5 to receive or obtain something from something else(derive)
6 someone who writes music, especially classical music(composer)
7 as much as is needed(sufficiently)
5 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.
Johann Sebastian Bach is possibly the greatest (1) composer the w orld has ever known. His Well-Tempered Clavichord (2) constitutes one of the most complete works for keyboard e ver written. It is (3) simultaneously both a series of technical exercises which explore the possibilities of the keyboard, and a masterpiece of expressive feeling. Although he was a highly (4) qualifed musician (as an organist and a choirmaster), he was not considered to be (5) suffciently “modern” by the generation which followed him, and he was soon forgotten. But his music was redisco vered in the 19th century, for its perfect sense of (6) rhythm and harmony. Indeed, many of the great composers of the 20th century, such as Stravinsky, (7) derived a lot of their musical ideas from him.
6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes.
1 Shh! They’re about to announce the winner of this year’s International Piano Competition.(proclaim)
2 It’s quite easy to make a comparison between poetry and music.(analogy)
It’s quite easy to make an analogy between poetry and music.
3 We are amazed by her ability to express herself with great clearness and simplicity.(clarity)
4 How many artists have given up everything for the cause of their art?(for the sake of)
5 Internet emerges as a powerful and effective force in advertising new products.(potent)
6 I enjoyed the performance, but I thought the clothes the actors were wearing were a bit silly.(costumes)
7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
1 If you split something up, do you (a) divide it into parts, or (b) put the parts together?
2 If you do something absent-mindedly, are you (a) thinking about what you are doing, or (b) thinking
about something else?
3 Do you look for consolation (a) after a piece of bad news, or (b) after a piece of good news?
4 If you are treading on controversial ground, are you (a) taking a risk, or (b) making everybody happy?
5 If you shy away from something, do you (a) keep close to it, or (b) keep your distance from it?
6 If you pin some thing down, are you (a) able to e xa mine it c arefully, or (b) unable to exa mine it
7 If you know the melody of a piece of music, are you familiar with (a) the tune, or (b) the meaning of the
8 Is an instinctive reaction to something (a) automatic, or (b) one which follows a lot of thought?
Reading and interpreting
8 Work in pairs and choose the best answer to the questions.
1 Which is the writer’s main purpose?
(a) To show how complex listening to music is.
(b) To get people to listen to music more.
(c) To discourage some people from listening to music.
(d) To get people to think about how they listen to music.
2 Who does the writer address as you?
(a) Musicians.
(b) Theatregoers.
(c) Composers.
(d) Intelligent music lovers.
Active reading (2)
Reading and understanding
3 Answer the questions.
1 What type of painting is Girl with a Pearl Earring?
It’s a world-famous portrait painted by Vermeer around 1665.
2 Who was the model for the painting?
Griet, a young girl who is thought to work in Vermeer’s house
3 How much of the novel is based on fact?
The setting and some of the main ideas are factual but the details of the story are speculation and fction.
4 What was the relationship between Griet and Vermeer?
Griet was a maid in Vermeer household and she became his model. Vermeer thought she had some
artistic talent.
5 Why did Griet leave the Vermeer household?
Vermeer’s daughter and wife found out that Griet was modeling for Vermeer. Griet got embarrass ed when the wife stormed into the studio, so she left.
6 What differences are there between the book and the film?
According to the film, the earrings are finally delivered to Griet and the audience is left wondering if she marries Pieter. The novel does not talk about it.
4 Match the events with their sources.
1 Griet gets a job with the Vermeer family.
(b) in the novel by Tracy Chevalier
2 Vermeer makes a hole in Griet’s ear.
(c) in the film version of the novel
3 Vermeer marries a Catholic girl called Catharina.
(a) known fact
4 Catharina is jealous of Griet.
(b) in the novel by Tracy Chevalier
5 Vermeer becomes a Catholic.
(a) known fact
6 Van Ruijven wants to be painted with Griet.
(b) in the novel by Tracy Chevalier
7 Vermeer grows up in Delft.
(a) known fact
8 Somebody sends the earrings to Griet after Vermeer’s death.
(c) in the flm version of the novel
9 Griet becomes Vermeer’s assistant.
(b) in the novel by Tracy Chevalier
10 Griet is embarrassed when Vermeer sees her hair.
(b) in the novel by Tracy Chevalier
Dealing with unfamiliar words
5 Match the words in the box with their defnitions.
1 someone who looks at a picture, photograph, or piece of art(viewer)
2 a painting, drawing or photograph of someone, especially of their face only(portrait)
3 relating to people’s homes and family life(domestic)
4 the inside part of something, especially a building or vehicle(interior)
5 as a result(consequently)
6 to start to employ someone or use their services(engage)
7 to officially ask for a piece of work to be done for you(commission)
6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.
In the beginning it was only the rich and famous who ha d their (1) portraits painted. But from the Renaissance onwards things changed. Firstly, the growing importance of the middle classes led many ordinary people to (2) c ommission paintings, ofte n of members of their family. Se condly, a rtists became interested in showing scenes of
(3) domestic life, set in the (4) interiors of ordinary houses, and (5) consequently they began to (6) engage
ordinary people, such as servant girls, as models. Part of the mystery for (7) viewers today concerns the identity of these models, in masterpieces such as Leonardo’s Mona Lisa and Ver meer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring.
7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.
1 He changed his religion from Protestantism and became a Catholic.(converted)
2 One of the assistant’s jobs was to break into a powder the paints.(grind)
3 The newspaper started to change the fact so that it was no longer true ever since it existed, and the local
government was definitely one of the victims.(distort)
4 You don’t have to make a hole in your ears to be able to wear these earrings.(pierce)
5 The lives of artists have often been linked to shocking events and situations.(scandals)
6 One of the most striking aspects of the painting is the turban she is wearing on her head.(features)
7 I’ll finish the painting thi s evening, so from now until then you can have a break.(in the meantime)
8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
1 Are exotic clothes likely to be (a) ordinary, or (b) unusual?
2 Is a sitter someone who (a) is being painted, or (b) spends a lot of time sitting down?
3 Is a c onv entional sense of beauty one which is (a) shared a nd understood by most pe ople, or
(b) different from what is shared and understood by most people?
4 Is an enigmatic expression one which is full of (a) good humour, or (b) mystery?
5 If you have a volatile personality, do you get angry (a) quickly, or (b) only when you can’t tolerate?
6 If you are wary of something, are you (a) excited about it, or (b) careful and nervous about it?
7 If you show something explicitly, do you (a) make its meaning very clear so there is no doubt about it,
unfamiliaror (b) leave its meaning unclear?
8 If a woman tries to keep her modesty, does she (a) cover her hair and body to avoid any sexual feeling
in man, or (b) talk and act with good grace?
9 Is jealousy the feeling you get when you think someone you love (a) is attracted to somebody else, or (b) doesn’t love you any more?
Language in use
word formation: compound nouns
1 Form compound nouns to indicate:
1 a writer of songs(songwriter)
2 a director of films(flm director)
3 a scarf you wear around your head(headscarf)
4 a pack you carry on your back(backpack)
5 a stick you use to make your lips red(lipstick)
6 a lace you use to tie up your shoe(shoelace)
7 polish that you put on your nails(nail polish)
might have been / done
2 Rewrite the sentences using might have been/ done.
1 It’s possible that the artist and the model became lovers.
The artist and the model might have been lovers.
2 It’s possible that Catharina was never jealous of the model.
Catharina might never have been jealous of the model.
3 It’s possible that the model became Vermeer’s assistant.
The model might have become Vermeer’s assistant.
4 It’s possible that Vermeer painted other masterpieces which have sinc e been lost.
Vermeer might have painted other masterpieces which have since been lost.
5 It’s possible that Vermeer died in poverty.
Vermeer might have died in poverty.
may be due to the fact that …
3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas using may be due to the fact that …
1 The young pianist’s musical genius may be due to the fact that his mother played the piano a lot while she was pregnant, so he has always heard music from day one.
2 The late arrival of the train may be due to the fact that there were severe storms last night.
3 The misunderstanding may be due to the fact that she speaks very little Chinese and I don’t speak much Spanish.
4 The book’s enormous popularity may be due to the fact that it has been aggressively marketed on TV and it was discussed in several prime time TV shows.
5 His dislike of music may be due to the fact that he was exposed to loud rock music for many hours a day when he was quite small.
insist that …
4 Rewrite the sentences using insist that …
1 I met an old friend who refused to let me go before I had a drink with him.
I met an old friend, who insisted that I have a drink with him before he let me go.
2 The customs people refused to let me through unless I signed a document they gave me.
The customs people insisted that I sign a document they gave me before they let me through.
3 We refused to let him start the concert before having an hour’s rest.
We insisted that he have an hour’s rest before he started the concert.
4 They refused to publish the book until he changed some of the things he had written.
They insisted that he change some of the things he’d written before they published the book.
5 She refused to let me see the painting until I apologized for what I had done.
She insisted that I apologize for what I had done before she let me see the painting.
5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.
1 appeal This word means the quality that something has that makes people like it or want it.
(a) If a radio station wants to widen its appeal, what does it need to do?
It needs to appeal to a wider audience by having more popular programmes.
(b) Are games and sports that have a popular appeal liked by many people or a few people?