XXX's leading n in the world of industrial design。By analyzing the current state of industrial design in different countries。it is clear that art design plays a crucial role in industrial design.
2.Review of the Industrial Design Program at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
This paper reviews the development of the industrial design program at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology over the last 10 years。The program has made XXX fields。including the n of the Germany model。the n of disciplines。teaching reform。XXX。project teaching。and XXX.
3.The Importance of Project Teaching and Design ns
XXX are essential components of the industrial design program at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology。Through these activities。students are able to apply their XXX s
4.Ten Industrial Design Trends
XXX German Bauhaus。there are ten current trends in industrial design that cannot be XXX。user-centered design。n。and the XXX up-to-date with these trends。industrial designers XXX.
In 1919.the Bauhaus school was established in Weimar。Germany。and it has since been recognized as the "cradle of world industrial design" and a milestone in the history of art design。The XXX' methods。The school aimed to XXX' XXX。XXX of art design as a new nal discipline。Walter Gropius。the founder of Bauhaus。emphasized the "Unity of art and technology" as XXX.
One of the XXX is to purify the forms of general industrial products。The school emphasized that product forms should be based on basic geometric patterns such as cubes。squares。and circles。The forms and outlines of products should be simple and
varied in different ways。following abstract form XXX on the development of the Modernism art style。and its designs XXX result。XXX in the history of modern art and design.
Note: The paragraph was mostly grammatically correct。but some words were not XXX.)
Overall。XXX the design of industrial products by XXX on the development of the Modernism art style and XXX in modern design history.
XXX Sinel。an American artist。coined the term "Industrial design" in 1919.However。it wasn't until 1983 that the Ministry of XXX industrial design as a major in general colleges。Originally。the major was called "Product Forming" and was intended for art students。In 1998.the nal major category was adjusted to align with nal ns。The focus of the "Product Forming" XXX humans。products。and the environment。The name was changed to "Industrial Design," and the major was made available in both XXX.
Bauhaus。a renowned art school in Europe during the early 20th century。XXX。Kandin
sky。and Klee。who were known for their abstract XXX to the development of art design in the 20th century。The success of famous industrial designers such as Philippe Starck。Marc Newson。and Yves Béhar。who are all graduates of art design schools。XXX in industrial design。Product form design XXX studies。and industrial design is an XXX.