一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)
正确答案:(正确答案:I've become more and more crazy about the sea. I never let a day pass without seeing it with my own eyes. Sometimes as soon as I get up, I'll hasten to the seashore to greet the blood-red sun rising from the distant edge of the sea. Sometimes, I'll go to the beach at sunset for the special purpose of enjoying the twilight scene. I'm even more fascinated by the lighthouse standing in the middle of the sea. My hat off to the lighthouse keeper drudging at the tedious task of providing ships with a flashing light lest they should run up on rocks in the dark sea.)
解析:解析:1.第一句可根据意分译为两个独立的句子:I've become more and more crazy about the sea. I never let a day pass without seeing it with my own eyes.“一天比一天”的意思是“越来越……”,不宜直译,可使用more and more…。“着了魔似的……迷恋……”表现出迷恋的强烈程度,可使用be/become crazy about。“我爱它”在语义上与前面表达的意义接近,可以省略不译。 2.第二句为无主句,应补充出主语。该句同样可以将分号前后部分分译为两个独立的句子。“领略”即“欣赏”,可使用enjoying。 3.第三句虽然比较长,但可根据意重新组合。“我更爱看矗立在海中央的灯塔”可单独译为一个简单句,
“我佩服……暗礁的危险”则可以译为一个结构相对复杂的长句。“他每天……光明的指示”可处理为“守灯塔的人”的后置定语,而守灯塔的目的就是为了避免“船只触礁”,因此“假若……危险”部分可转化为一个lest引导的目的状语从句。 4.整段汉语短文的逻辑主语都是“我”,但英语的句首不宜总是以I开头,因此可以采用调整语序、状语前置的办法,或灵活选择别的主语,避免机械对应。英语主语的角度变化较多,“我佩服……暗礁的危险”一句可以用my admiration/hat off作主语。one's hat off to…指“向……表示钦佩”。 5.第三句中的“机械地守住”形容工作枯燥,可用动词词组drudging at the tedious task来对译。
正确答案:(正确答案:Like everybody else, I live in this world for the purpose of conquering life. I have also taken part in the "struggle". I have my own love and hatred, and happiness and sorrow. But I have never lost my faith—a faith in life. There is still some way to go before my life runs out, and I do not know what the future has in store for me. Nevertheless, I am not without some idea of what the future is like because the past, being no silent mute, will give me some hints.)
解析:解析:1.第一句和第二句的句子逻辑表述很清晰,可直接顺译。 2.第三句中“我的”重复了四次,突出强调语气,但若照搬到英语中就显得哕嗦了,因此译文中需要省译,可译为I have my own love and hatred,and happiness and sorrow。 3.第五句中的否定句“生活还不会结束”可以借助before引导的从句,反说正译。 4.第五句的后半句“前面还有什么东西等着我”,可译为what the future has in store for/is waiting for/is about to happen to me。 5.最后两句之间有明显的因果关系,可合译为一个含有原因状语从句的复合句。“过去并不是一个沉默的哑子,它会告诉我们一些事情”本身又是一个主次信息句,信息重心在后面的分句,前面的分句为次要成分,宜处理为分词结构。