3秒后变身成野兽    英文回答:
    As I gaze up towards the azure expanse above, my eyes are met with a captivating tapestry of celestial formations. The clouds, like celestial brushstrokes, paint an ever-changing canvas in the sky's vast expanse.
    At first glance, they resemble cotton balls, their fluffy contours drifting aimlessly with the gentle breeze. Their pristine whiteness reflects the sunlight in ethereal halos, illuminating the heavens with a gentle glow. However, as the sunlight intensifies, they morph into mythical beasts, their amorphous shapes conjuring images of dragons, lions, and serpents.
    The clouds' metamorphic nature is a testament to the boundless creativity of the natural world. They embody the very essence of transience, transforming before our very eyes from delicate wisps to towering thunderheads. Their movements are like a choreographed dance, a celestial ballet performed in the grand theater of the sky.
    As the sun begins its descent towards the horizon, the clouds mimic the hues of a painter's palette. They blush with warm shades of rose and gold, casting a golden glow upon the world below. With each passing moment, their colors deepen into vibrant hues of crimson and purple, creating an ethereal tapestry that rivals the most exquisite works of art.
    At nightfall, the clouds relinquish their vibrant colors, transforming into celestial shadows. They cloak the stars like a gentle veil, casting an air of mystery and enchantment over the nocturnal landscape. Their presence creates a celestial symphony, where the rustling of the wind through their ethereal forms whispers secrets to the night.