Recently I graduated from high school, and as a gift I received a huge hunch of flowers, 40 to be exact! I had so many that I didn't know what to do with them. The next weekend my niece and nephew, Sue and Mike, aged 6 and 7, came and suddenly I had an idea. I might let them give out these flowers to people they met on the street, and in this way they could learn how to be friendly to others. So I told them about my plan and explained that these flowers would make people feel happy and smile. They loved the idea and were eager to have a try. So at once we took every single flower and tied a smile card to it. We then went to the street with the flowers.
The first flower went to a policeman. As soon as she saw the policeman, my niece ran up to him and handed him a flower. His smile was so big, but hers was even bigger!
In no time, we neared the end of our flowers. It was lunch time and we went to Subway for lunch. There the kids gave a flower to the waitress, who was really excited to receive the flower. As we were eating our lunch, the waitress came up to the kids with two big chocolate cookies! She said the chocolate cookies were for them and that she really liked the flower! As they ate the cookies, my niece and nephew looked at me with the biggest smiles I had ever seen.
With just one flower left, I said it should be given to the person who needed it most.
It turned out to be a great day for us.
【答案】With just one flower left I said it should be given to the person who needed it most. Just then, my nephew caught sight of an old woman in a wheelchair nearby. “I think she’s the very person for the flower. She lives a hard life because of bad health. She needs smiles most,” said my nephew. With these words, my nephew, followed by my niece, took the flower up to her. You can imagine how happy the old woman looked! She smiled, and gave each of the kids a big kiss.
It turned out to be a great day for us. We spread a lot of smiles by giving out flowers, and received a lot of smiles in return. The flowers not only made us feel good about ourselves, but also made 40 other people feel happy. I feel there is nothing more enjoyable than being friendly to people. Meanwhile, the kids learned an important lesson in the process. In fact, they can’t wait until next time they have such a chance again. They want to give out more flowers!
【点睛】续写部分描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:catch sight ofmore…
thancan’t wait give out等高级词汇;With these wordsfollowed by my niece复合结构作状语等高级句式。
1. 我妈妈瞪着我,这是在我有一个重组家庭之前她从未做过的事。 “你可以捡起来的。”她说。“那才对。”(本可以,虚拟语气)
My mother glanced at me. Something she never did before I had a stepfamily. You could have picked it up. she said. That would have been the kind thing to do.
2. 他生气地握紧拳头,但是弟弟却激动地挥着手。
He folded his fist angrily, but his younger brother waved his hands excitedly.
Jackson kept saying something, but so angry was Carter that he couldn’t even hear a word
1. 我意识到我裙子上的蝴蝶结打得很不好。我本应该请妈妈帮忙的。
I realized how poorly I tied the string on my skirt which was over leggings. I should have asked mom for help.
1. 一想到我对他所做的一切,遗憾和内疚就像没休止的潮水一样向我袭来。
Thinking about what I had done to him, regret and guilt overwhelmed me like endless tides.
2. 每当我想到亨利湿了的书,我的脸都会变红了。
Whenever I thought of Henry’s wet book, my face turned red.
Watching Shirley’s smile fading away, Peter frowned.看着雪莉的微笑渐渐消失,彼得皱起了眉头。(2020-2021年汕头市高三第一学期质量监测)
Amanda felt as gray as the sky outside when she looked across the table at her three-year-old sister.
1. To cover his terrible action(为了掩盖他糟糕的行为,不定式作状语), the terrified boy glued the pieces together hastily and put the vase back to its place.2021 广一模
2. Fearing punishment(害怕惩罚,现在分词作状语), the suddenly inspired boy said that a neighbour’s cat jumped in from the window and he couldn’t drive it away no matter how hard he tried.2021 广一模