activate 名词
1. 激活:指启动或启用某一系统、服务、设备或功能。
例如:The activation of the new software will enable users to access additional features.
2. 活化:指使某物变得更加活跃或有效。
例如:The activation of catalyst is crucial for the chemical reaction to occur.
3. 生效:指某一法律、协议、合同等开始生效。
例如:The activation of the new law will come into effect on the first of next month.
4. 活动:指某一计划、项目、运动等的开始或实施。
例如:The activation of the marketing campaign will help to increase sales.
5. 激活剂:指一种能够激活或加速化学反应的物质。
例如:The enzyme requires the presence of an activator to function properly.