第三章 翻译中的对比
1. The little girl has a beautiful face.
2. He put the cards face down on the table.
3. She had the face to insult him in public.
4. The farm remained wild country for a long time.
5. He led a wild life in his youth.
1. Er, well, see you morrow.
2. No soldier, in time of peace be quartered I any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
3. A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.
4. As a westerner I was a strange sight in this remote spot.
5. Try not to get involved in office politics.
1. The door opened, and the audience came crowding in.
2. The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.
3. The carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.
4. How is it with the sick man?
5. China is known as a country with vast territory , rich resources and a large population.
6. Often he left listless and his working power was weakened by his poor health.
7. Loneliness held the great masses of immigrants together, and poverty kept them down.
8. Go before I call the police.
9. The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit.
10. He is the man who I am told made a fortune out of the traffic in arms when he was in the service of a certain general in the Middle East and subsequently lost it in one night at a gambling house in Monaco.
1.有人把某食品公司生产的“白象”牌方便面的商标“白象”翻译为“white elephant”。
2.某自行车厂生产一种“飞鸽”牌自行车,其商标曾翻译为“flying pigeon”。
3.主人宴请外宾吃饭,摆了满满一桌子菜,席间,主人不停地为客人夹菜,还对客人谦虚道:“今天没有什么菜,随便吃点吧”。年轻的翻译将这句话译成“We have nothing special today, please help yourself.”
4.某学生家长请外教到家里做客,客人临走时送了她一些礼物,说道“区区小礼,不成敬意,请你一定收下。”该生翻译道:“The presents are cheap, you must take them.”
5.在一对新人的婚礼上,有一位外宾对新郎夸奖道:“T和bride is very beautiful.”一位朋友翻译道:“新娘子真漂亮”,新郎忙谦虚道:“哪里,哪里”,翻译赶紧说,“Where, where.”
6.中午,在某外资公司,美国同事Steve对小王和小张说:“Shall we go out for lunch?”二人很高兴,答道:“OK!” Steve又说道:“Shall we go Dutch, OK?”小王英语不好,问小张这是什么意思,小张说:“这是让咱AA制!”
7.一位外籍人士的妻子在医院生下了一对双胞胎,一男一女,护士跑去道贺道:“恭喜恭喜,你爱人生了个龙凤胎。”翻译这样翻译道:“Congratulations!Your wife gave birth to twin dragon and phoenix.”
8.有一次在宴请外宾的酒席上,一位中国人指着另一位中国人开玩笑的对外宾说:“他有气管炎(妻管严)。”当场翻译直接将他译成:He suffers from tracheitis。
1. It will also form the compendium volume to be published by UNESCO.
2. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder ,I looked up from the exercise books of my young pupils , which I was just correcting , into the lined , kindly face of a little lay sister.
3. Nothing demonstrated more his sincere love of music than the fact that he had made new English translations of the entire vocal works of Bach.
4. Those young criminals were beaten , refused anything to read.
5. My appearance here is strengthened by the presence of representatives of the three main regions within the Group of 77.
6. It would have been only courteous to kneel at the proper time , as all did , since I had voluntarily come to the church.
7. She has to have passed Advanced Level in two subjects before she goes to university.
8. It was high time that men ceased to regard women as second-class citizens.
9. We are grateful to him. Were it not for his help , we couldn’t have solved this problem.
10. A little flattery would set him carried away.
uneventful11. They walked with umbrellas up a winding mountain path on a drizzling and windy autumn afternoon for a visit to a friend living in seclusion.
12. They told me that Professor Luo would have been teaching here for twenty years by this winter.
13. Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States.
14. Then and there he named the startled General lying wounded on his cot the new Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe.
15. They walked together down the alley in six inches of powdery snow,the detective holding Michael’s arm with affectionate firmness.