In a very cold January, a puppy wandere d around Mr. Lacey's house, where he liv ed with his wife Mamie and their daught er Doris. 在一个非常寒冷的一月里,一只小狗在Lacey先生家旁边徘徊。
Icicles hung three feet or more from the roofs of houses and snow swallowed up cars. 将近1米长的冰锥从屋顶悬挂下来,大雪完全覆盖了汽车。
The puppy had been abandoned, and it made its way down the road toward the Laceys' small house, with its ears down and trembling from shyness and cold. 这是一只被遗弃的流浪犬,耳朵低垂,这只害羞的小狗被冻得浑身发抖,正朝着La cey家的方向走去。
Doris, whose school had been called off because of the snow, was clearing the steps when she spotted the puppy on the road. Lacey先生的女儿Doris下雪停课了,所以她在家门口扫雪,这时她看见了路上的小狗。
"Come on, little dog!" she called it over. “小狗,快过来!”她喊道。
The puppy shyly wagged its tail when Doris approached. 当Doris靠近小狗时,小狗害羞地摇着尾巴。
As soon as Doris put the dog down in the kitchen, her mom, Mrs. Lacey, asked where the dog came from. Doris赶快把小狗带到厨房,妈妈Mamie问她小狗从哪里来的。
Mr. Lacey, who was cleaning his fingerna ils with his pocketknife at the table, said, "I don't know where it came from, but I know for sure where it's going." Lacey先生正在桌子旁用他的折叠刀清理指甲,他说,“我不知道它从哪里来,但我肯定知道它将去哪里。”
Doris hugged the puppy hard against her. She said nothing. Doris紧紧地抱着小狗。她什么也没说。
Because of the snowy weather, Mr. Lacey couldn't take the puppy to the shelter right away. 由于下着雪,Lacey先生无法立即把小狗带到收容所。
So, it stayed in the basement, and Doris fed it leftovers, even though her mom didn't want to waste food. 所以,小狗就呆在地下室里,尽管她妈妈不想浪费食物,Doris还是把剩饭给它吃。
Doris thought the puppy was around six months old and would be quite noisy sometimes. Doris猜小狗大概六个月大,有时会相当吵闹。
Surprisingly, the puppy behaved well, didn't cry or make trouble in the basement, and only followed Doris upstairs when she invited it. 令人惊讶的是,小狗非常乖,在地下室没有哭闹或捣乱,只有在Doris喊它时,才跟着她上楼。
Doris often found it on the basement steps listening to the kitchen talk and smelling the food. Doris发现它常坐在地下室的台阶上,听着厨房里的谈话,闻着食物的味道。
She felt the puppy wanted company. 她感觉小狗想要陪伴。
Even after a week, Doris didn't name the dog, knowing her parents wouldn't let her keep it. 过了一个星期,Doris也没有给小狗取名,因为她知道她的父母不会让她养它。
Her father made so little money that any pets were out of the question. 她父亲收入不高,养宠物根本不可能。
Desperate to keep the dog, Doris tried to convince her parents by praising the dog's good behavior and expressing her love for it, but her parents didn't give a definite answer. Doris急切地想要留下小狗,她试图通过表扬小狗多么乖巧和表达她多么喜欢这只小狗,来说服她的父母,但她的父母没有给一个明确的答复。
Despite her efforts, Doris secretly wished the bad weather would never go away, fearing the puppy's unavoidable trip to the 除了努力想要父母留下小狗,D oris还期待坏天气永远不会消失,因为她担心小狗一定会会被
shelter. 送到收容所。
However, nine days after the dog had arrived, the sun was shining. 然而,在小狗到来的九天后,天终于转晴了。
续写第一段:Doris knew it was time t o say goodbye to the dog and felt rat her worried. Doris知道是时候和狗说再见了,她感到相当担忧。
doris续写第二段:Doris put her hand to her mouth and couldn't believe what she had heard. Doris把手放在嘴边,简直不敢相信她所听到的。
在细节处理上,文章通过描述小狗的行为,如“wagged its tail”,“didn't cry or make trouble”,“listening to the kitchen talk and smelling the food”等,展现了小狗的温顺和聪明,同时也为后文Doris对小狗的深厚感情做了铺垫。此外,Doris的心理活动也是文章的重点,从希望小狗永远留下到不得不面对现实,再到最后得知小狗被父母接纳的欣慰,这一系列的心理变化使故事更加真实和感人。
1. 文中提到小狗是被遗弃的,这为后文Doris将小狗留下埋下了伏笔。
2. 通过描述Doris喂养小狗、与小狗玩耍等细节,展现了Doris对小狗的深厚感情,为后文Doris不愿送走小狗的心理活动做了铺垫。
3. 文中提到Doris的父亲收入微薄,无法养宠物,这为后文Doris不得不将小狗送走提供了合理的解释。
4. 小狗在Lacey家表现得非常乖巧,不吵闹也不捣乱,这为后文父母收养小狗留下了伏笔。
Doris knew it was time to say goodbye to the dog and felt rather worried. The thought of parting with the silent companion filled her with a deep sadness. She went down to the basement and sat on the steps, hugging the puppy tightly. "I don't want you to go," she whispered. The puppy licked her
face comfortingly.Finally, she heard her father's footsteps on the stairs. The heavy, deliberate tread seemed to echo her own heartbeats. But as Mr. Lacey reached the bottom step, his usually stern face softened at the sight of his daughter and the puppy. "Doris, your mother and I know how much this puppy means to you, and we've been thinking." He paused, glancing at the puppy, who looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "If you promise to take good care of it and make sure it doesn't cause any trouble, we might be able to keep it."
续写第二段:Doris put her hand to her mouth and couldn't believe what she had heard. Tears of joy welled up in her eyes as she looked at her father, searching for any sign of uncertainty. Mr. Lacey smiled, nodding his head in confirmation. Doris let out a cry of delight and threw her arms around her father. The puppy, sensing the change in the atmosphere, barked happily
and jumped into Doris's lap, licking her face as if to seal the deal. "Thank you, Dad!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude and relief. "I promise I'll take the best care of him, and he won't be any trouble at all." Mr. Lacey
patted the puppy's head gently, adding :"Now, the first thing you should do is
to choose a beautiful name for the puppy."
Doris knew it was time to say goodbye to the dog and felt rather worried. She was sitting alone in the living room, hugging a pillow and rocking back and forth on the edge of a chair. She was trying not to cry but she was not strong enough. Her face was wet and red, her eyes full of sadness. Just as Doris was at her lowest, her parents appeared from the doorway. With a smile on Mrs. Lacey's face, she said,"Honey, papa and I have agreed to keep the puppy as a part of our family.”
Doris put her hand to her mouth and couldn't believe what she had heard. She looked at her parents surprisedly."Doris, you were right. He has brought so much happiness to us," Mr. Lacey continued, "and I drove by the local animal shelter yesterday. The conditions there are quite poor. We can't leave him there."Doris smiled with tears of happiness in her eyes and threw her arms around her parents. She knew they not only embraced the puppy into their family but also gave him a chance at a much happier life.