1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. : bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义) 

2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into 

3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up 

4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. change your tune 改变态度) 

5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird 

6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit 

7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out 

8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out 

9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts 

10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure 

11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek 

12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off 

13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call 

14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,: pinch 

15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny 

16, And then I stuff the crackers down his throat.(塞,填: stuff 咸饼干: crackers 

17, Save your breath! (别费口舌) 

18, lt'll be the other way around. (不一样) 

19, What's he running forCounty treasurer or something like that. 

(诸如此类: or something like that 

20, You come a long way to stick your nose into other people's business.(管别人闲事) 

21, Now if you'll bear with me for a (忍耐我听我: bear with me 

22, You've been framed, you poor wooden-headed sap. (陷害: frame 傻瓜: sap=idiot=moron 

23, The daily grind was too much for him ; the novelty wore off. (每日必干的苦工:daily grind 

24, Her days are numbered.(来日无多) 

25, Some said he was boring and stiff.(呆板, 僵硬: stiff 

26, He ’s just plain stupid! (简直就是: plain 

27, You totally crossed the line. (过份了) 

28, You fool. lf you had guts, you'd print this. (勇气: guts=grit 

29, I drifted from job to job.(流动: drift 

30, Harrison's dummy! (笨蛋: dummy=hick 

31, Nail up anybody who stands in your way. (抓住tickle: nail up 

32, lt's a far cry from where l come from to this house.(完全不同: a far cry 

33, He's two-timing Lucy. (脚踏两边船: two-time 

34, My feet are killing me. (脚痛死了) 

35, Don't mumble. Speak up. (咕哝: mumble 

36, l'll take your word for it.(相信你的话) 

37, It was meant to be.(注定) 

38, You cannot imagine how much 

I'm counting on you. (信赖: count on 

39, Don't be coy with me. (腼腆: coy 

40, Lo and behold, it begins to rain. (你瞧: lo and behold 

41, You used to toss and turn all night.(翻来翻去: toss and turn 

42, I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a rain check.take a rain check: 改日)

43, I have lost count of time.lose count: 记不清) 

44, It must have cost him an arm and a leg.an arm and a leg: 昂贵) 

45, Try to meet each other half way. (相互妥协) 

46, I am going to tell him once and for all.(最后一次: once and for all 

47, Sorry, dear, I can’t stick around. stick around : 逗留) 

48, Let’s just straighten it out some other time.straighten out: 扯平,结清) 

49, No dice, we'll stick with the original one. stick with: 继续做) 

50, I adore you. (爱慕: adore 

51, Off with you, faker.(骗子:faker=fraud=phony 

52, How bizarre.(奇怪=odd 

53, Oh, by all means. (没问题) 

54, It's too intriguing. (有趣) 

55, What is the fuss (吵什么) 

56, Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了) 

57, You have no more beer belly. beer belly : 啤酒肚) 

58, Skipping breakfast will ruin you. (不做,跳过: skip 

59, The twins are like two peas in a pod.(一模一样) 

60, That's cool with me. 觉得某事没问题: cool with  

61, Hang in there, the doctor is on the way. (坚持住: hang in there 

62, A bit more flour should do the trick.(起作用: do the trick 

63, I didn't really mean she was in outer space, it's just a figure of speech.(打个比方: a figure of speech 

64, They were bootlegging whiskey.bootleg: 走私) 

65, Wouldn't miss it for the world. (无论如何: for the world 

66, Scoop some ice cream out of the tub.(取出: scoop 

67, I think I'll go for the blue shirt. (选择做: go for 

68, My boss may go easy on me. (悠着点,宽容: go easy on 

69, There're some who would not deem it wise.(认为:deem 

70, Way to go.(干的漂亮) 

71, That's close enough.(很接近了) 

72, Your sister stood me up the other night.(放我鸽子: stand me up 

73, You got me there. (问倒我) 

74, Easy does it. (慢慢来) 

75, It's a pain in the neck. (讨厌的事) 

76, I thought you said you had some pull with him.(有影响: have some pull 

77, I got 20 bucks on deception.(我赌20块她会耍花招) 

78, I know he has a lot of enemies in this town,but I always root for the 


79, She was a little peeved about being left out.(耍脾气: peeved=on edge 

80, I'm the third wheel. (做电灯泡) 

81, What stakes do you propose?(你和我赌神马) 

82, He was looking for a dame to shack up with.(同居: shack up 

83, What a fiesta today, I'm really glad you made it. (尽兴的聚会: fiesta 

84, You should talk to somebody, dude, maybe a shrink. (心理医生: shrink 

85, How mortifying to have to apologize to him! (难为情: mortifying 

86, Do not get attached.(别用情太深) 

87, I won't be taken in.(我不会上当的) 

88, It's a long shot. (希望渺茫) 

89, I’m doomed.(完蛋了) 

90, It takes two to tango. (一个巴掌拍不响) 

91, This food is out of this world. (好极了: out of this world 

92, That sucks.too bad 

93, I like spicy food once in a while,but generally speaking,I prefer blander food.(重口味: s
picy 清淡: bland 

94, You had me worried sick. 

(担心死了: worried sick 

95, What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? (出丑: make a scene 

96, Never again pull a stunt like this. (耍花招: pull a stunt 

97, He was roughed up by a gang of youths.(动粗: rough up 

98, I’ll get even with him one day. (扯平: get even 

99, She dumped me. (甩了我) 

100, Would you like to grab a bite with me. (你愿意和我一起吃饭吗) 

101, It's a foul on him(犯规:foul 

102, No need to panic.(害怕:panic 

103, -Do you have a direct visual yet? -Negative. We're still looking.negative=no 

104, Wait a minute. Your beard tickles.(痒: tickle 

105, -Did he tip you- One lousy buck.(讨厌的: lousy 

106, - You know, it makes them feel exotic. -Give me a Jack on the rocks. 

(奇异的: exotic 加冰的: on the rocks 

107, -It's the only one you two haven't stolen.-Allegedly.(据说的,不可靠的) 

108, I figured he'd bug the place, so I started checking.(装窃听器: bug 

109, Damn, I got the stink on me tonight. (臭味: stink 

110, I guess we can't all be the kiss-ass politician you are. (拍马屁: kiss-ass 

111, Decent law-abiding people cook omelets for breakfast.(煎蛋: omelet 

112, You almost had me with that old David Copperfield 

smoke and mirrors trick.(几乎把我骗了: almost had/got me 

113, There is an option.(选择) 

114, I'm just gonna sneak up on it.(悄悄说) 

115, -Are you being naughty? 

-Naughty enough to spank.(打屁股:spank 

116, You two look pretty chummy.(密友: chummy 

117, She didn't have to be so hard on you, you know?(刻薄: hard on 

118, She's got grounds.(有理由的) 

119, Dor, darling, you fishing for a compliment?(想法得到: fish for 

120, Cross my heart.(发誓) 

121, I'm so totally knackered. (累=pooped out=drained 

122,You are absolutely adorable. adorable : 可爱的=aggreeable 

123, Well, you hit it right on the head.(说到要害) 

124, I believe in fidelity. It's my upbringing. (家教:upbringing 

125, But I guess I could shift things around. (调整: shift around 

126, Stop looking so grim.(严肃的: grim 

127, He was so obnoxious.(讨厌的) 

128, I'll have my chauffeur pick them up directly from school. (司机: chauffeur  

129, Gee, I was gonna take you to a neat restaurant for lunch tomorrow. (干净的: neat

130, That face rings a bell. (面熟) 

131, Stay out of it.(你别管) 

131, God, you are paranoid.(你真会瞎想) 

132, What the hell does this have to do with you anyway?(关) 

133, I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing. (抓紧点的好) 

134, Have a little faith.(有信心) 

135, Just press the buzzer.(门铃: buzzer 

136, Sorry about this. I was detained. (耽搁: detained 

137, It was pretty creepy.(毛骨耸然) 

138, That's awkward. (难堪) 

139, So it's an irony, right? (反话: irony 

140, Speaking of summer, she showed a plan. 说到speaking of = talking of=when it com
es to 

141, Don't worry,I will set you a date.(安排对象: set a date 

142, I don't know how to put it.(说: put 

143, Sure thing! (当然) 

144, Don't play possum! (别装蒜) 

145, Are you kidding me? Are you pulling my leg? You're shitting me. (开玩笑) 

146, You know, man,death is really a hip thing now. (时尚的: hip 

147, Kinda chubby. And jolly.(丰满的: chubby快乐的:jolly 

148, Ever since he was so high(性感),he's had such a crush on you! (迷恋你) 

149, -I mean is he looking to get laid,or is he looking for Mr Right? - He's straightnot gay. (正常的: straight 

150, Don't hand me that line of bullshit , Roscoe. (别给我来这一套,罗斯科) 资料来源:美联英语学习网