专题04 (阅读理解之七选五)解析版
I am not sure how many books I have reread,but perhaps it is fewer than the average person. 16 The source material, though, is of course not.
I used to take the same approach to books as I did to travel: don't go to the same place twice.Life is too short 17 Then I realized that the fact that life is short might work the other way around, too: if you know you enjoy something,or somewhere, then why not return?
Recently I reread Joseph Heller's Catch-22.1 was inspired to do so when reminded of how he'd respond when people rudely asked him why he'd never written anything as good:nWho has?”Catch-22 pretty much saved my life when I first read it. 18 I had dropped out of school twice,didn't leave the house at all and didn't have a life.lt felt as though I hadn't laughed in such a long time.
19 It managed to take me out of the dark world, and though its themes are,of course,serious,its cleverness cheered me greatly.I related to its characters who are themselves trapped.I am now planning to reread the sort of books that inspired me in my own writing.
I won't take a break altogether from reading the most recent releases.! love the smell of new books fresh from the printers. 20Catch-22 had me laughing.
A.My favourites are secondhand editions.
B.There is discomfort in reading recently-released books.
C.At that time I was an extremely depressed 17-year-old.
D.For me, the pleasure of rereading is a newly discovered one.
E.There is so much to read and so much to see and experience.
F.However,! have determined to dip more frequently into the old ones
[答案】16. E 17. F 18. D 19. A 20. G
【分析】本文是说明文。文章通过作者读书的经历,表达了虽然喜欢新书的味道,但还是喜欢重读能够激 励自己的旧书的观点。
somewhere16 题详解】根据上文“I am not sure how many books I have reread, but perhaps it is fewer than the
【分析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍欧洲国家的人才流失这一现象,分析了人才流失的原因,影响及解 决方案。
16题详解】空格前一句"The brain drain is characterized as the emigration of highly skilled laborers to other countries. ”(人才外流的特点是高技能劳动力移民到其他国家°), A选项(这是欧洲许多地区面临的问题。) 中的It代指The brain drain这个现象,自然地引出后面的波兰,意大利,葡萄牙等人才流失比拟严重的 国家。应选A
17题详解】空格后一句"These effects include a reduction in human capital, limited capacity to innovate, reduced economic growth, and a higher cost of public goods.
(这些影响包括人力资本减少、创新能力有限、经济 增长下降以及公共产品本钱上升。),因此这一段主要分析人才流失对于人才输送地区的影响。C选项(人 才外流可能对输出地区产生负面影响。)引出下文内容,其中的impact和下文的effect一致。应选C
[18题详解】空格前一句"They should also set up local alliances."(他们还应该建立地方联盟。),B选项(这些可以帮 助起草和执行地方政策。)中的“These”指代的是空格前的“local alliances”指出这样做的好处。应选B
19题详解】空格前一句"As current economic and social differences between European regions are the main cause of the brain drain, the need for a strong association between Europe's cohesion (凝聚)policies has been stressed."(由于目前欧洲地区之间的经济和社会差异是人才外流的主要原因,因此强调了欧洲凝聚力政策 之间的紧密联系。),选项G (这一政策应有助于促进整个欧洲地区的均衡开展。)中的policy与前面的 policies相呼应。应选G
20题详解】空格前一句"A study launched by an organization of the EU analyzed several programs across Europe.” (欧盟一个组织发起 一项研究分析了欧洲的几个工程。
),F选项(它提出了一份打击人才流失的最正确做 法清单。)中的it代指的是A study,其中的“practices”指代的是后文的"steps like understanding the need for skilled workers, creating mechanisms for cooperation between governments, corporations and universities, removing structural barriers95 (了解对熟练工人的需求、建立政府、企业和大学之间的合作机制、消除结 构性障碍)。应选F
To achieve something, you need the right mindset. You need a mindset that knows you can succeed at what you are aiming for. 16 Below are some pointers.
You complain about life.
17 Do you find yourself complaining about your situation, or what other people have said or done? If you do, it means that you do not accept the reality of your situation or past. That causes stress. Rather than complain, if you have the power, you should change your situation. If you cannot change your situation, then you need to accept it. If something cannot be changed, then you must change your attitude about it.
You want a pain-free life
Don*t fear pain. Pain is a part of living. You cannot travel new paths and attain success without the pain of hard work, taking risks and making mistakes. Finally, pain makes you stronger. 18 Rather be pleased that you have the opportunity to learn new lessons.
You blame others for your problems
If you feel anger and resentment against others, blaming them for your problems, then you need to change your mindset. 19 They only make you bitter. Instead of being angry, choose to learn and grow from negative experiences, and then let them go. From today, you can choose your own path and it starts with choosing your thoughts.
An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of your time, energy and skills to make positive change. 20Don't complain or worry about pain.
A.Watch what you say to yourself and others.