1.程序公正 procedural justice
程序正义(也称程序公正)是指裁判过程(相对于裁判结果而言)的公平和法律程序(相对于实体结论而言)的正义。即“看得见的正义”,是英美法系国家的一种法律文化传统和观念。这源于一句人所共知的法律格言“正义不仅应得到实现,而且要以人们看得见的方式加以实现”(Justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done.)。程序正义视为“看得见的正义”,用最通俗的语言解释,就是案件不仅要判得正确、公平,并完全符合实体法的规定和精神,而且还应当使人感受到判决过程的公平性和合理性。换句话说,司法机构对一个案件的判决,即使非常公正、合理、合法,也还是不够的;要使裁判结论得到人们的普遍认可,裁判者必须确保判决过程符合公正、正义的要求。
Procedural justice is the idea of fairness in the processes that resolve disputes and allocate resources. One aspect of procedural justice is related to discussions of the administration of j
ustice and legal proceedings. This sense of procedural justice is connected to due process (U.S.), fundamental justice (Canada), procedural fairness (Australia), and natural justice (other Common law jurisdictions), but the idea of procedural justice can also be applied to nonlegal contexts in which some process is employed to resolve conflict or divide benefits or burdens. Other aspects of procedural justice can also be found in social psychology and sociology issues and organizational psychology. 相关例句如下:
Procedural justice concerns the fairness and the transparency of the processes by which decisions are made, and may be contrasted with distributive justice (fairness in the distribution of rights or resources), and retributive justice (fairness in the punishment of wrongs). Hearing all parties before a decision is made is one step which would be considered appropriate to be taken in order that a process may then be characterised as procedurally fair.
Some theories of procedural justice hold that fair procedure leads to equitable outcomes, even if the requirements of distributive or restorative justice are not met. It has been suggested that this is the outcome of the higher quality interpersonal interactions often found in the procedural justice process, which has shown to be stronger in affecting the perception of fairness during conflict resolution.
2.实体公正 substantial justice
Substantial justice means justice administered according to rules of substantive law in a fair manner. Here, the litigant’s substantive rights are protected from the procedural errors of litigation. Substantial justice ensures a fair trial on merits.
Looking at the unjust and false cases that have been found, many break the rules and regulations or blatantly go against legal procedures. I have talked about the priority of procedural justice on many occasions. Why do I repeat it again and again? Stressing the priority of procedural justice doesn’t mean that procedural justice is more important than substantial justice, but that its independent value requires higher attention.
From the process of handling a case, procedural justice objectively precedes substantial justice. More importantly, as the kind of justice that can be seen to be done, procedural justice is of more profound and deeper significance for the protection of human dignity, open, transparent, democratic litigations as well as final and acceptable judgments.