    The Weather and What We're Up To
    Michael: Hi Emily! How's it going today?
    Emily: Hi Michael! I'm doing pretty well. Can you believe this gorgeous sunshine we're having?
    Michael: I know, it's amazing! After that week of nonstop rain, I was starting to think summer would never get here.
    Emily: Me too! I'm so glad the rain finally stopped. There's nothing worse than being cooped up inside all day when it's pouring out.
    Michael: Definitely. I usually don't mind rainy days, but after a while it just gets boring and gloomy. What did you do to keep busy during all that rainy weather?
    Emily: Mostly just played video games and watched TV. Although I did read a few books too. How about you?
    Michael: Video games, for sure! I beat a couple new levels on that adventure game I've been playing. I also worked on this coolMind Craft world I've been building.
    Emily: Ooh nice! I need to get back into Mind Craft, I haven't played it in forever. Maybe you can show me your world sometime?
sort out例句    Michael: For sure, you'd probably think it's really cool! So now that it's sunny out, what sort of stuff do you want to do?
    Emily: Well, I'm definitely planning to spend as much time as possible outside. Playing at the park, riding bikes, swimming if it gets basically just being outdoors soaking up the vitamin D!
    Michael: Those all sound like awesome ideas. We're so lucky to have that huge park nearby with the basketball courts, playgrounds, hiking trails and everything. I'm definitely going to ride my bike over there a bunch.
    Emily: Yeah, me too! We could even have a picnic at the park some day, that'd be fun. Pack a cooler with sandwiches and snacks and just hang out on the grass all afternoon.
    Michael: A picnic does sound nice. Maybe we could play some frisbee too while we're at it? Get a little exercise in addition to just laying around.
    Emily: For sure, frisbee would be great! I've been meaning to practice my frisbee throws anyway. We'll have to see if any other friends want to come along for the picnic too.
    Michael: Good call, the more the merrier! A couple of the guys from school were just saying how they're pumped for the sunny days so they can play outdoors more. I'll ask them about the picnic idea.
    Emily: Awesome. Oh, and we'll definitely have to go swimming too at some point! Maybe
we could all get a pool pass for the community center?
    Michael: Yes! I love swimming at the community pool. The water feels so refreshing on really hot summer days.
    Emily: It really does. And they have that awesome water slide and diving boards too which is always fun. We'll have to make sure to go plenty while school's out.
    Michael: No doubt. I'm definitely going to be living at that pool all summer if the warm weather keeps up!
    Emily: Same here! Sunny summer days are the best. As long as it's not too humid and sticky out.
    Michael: Ugh yes, humid weather is the worst. I'll take dry heat over humid grossness any day.
    Emily: Seriously. When it's really muggy out it's just miserable being outside. Everything feels sticky and gross.
    Michael: For sure. We'll keep our fingers crossed for sunny but dry days! Hopefully we don't get stuck inside too much with yucky humid spells.
    Emily: Exactly! But regardless, I'm just super excited to have so much free time coming up to spend outdoors however the weather ends up. No more being cooped up inside after school gets out!
    Michael: I know, having the full open summer days ahead of us is going to be amazing. We're going to have so much fun this year!
    Emily: For sure! Waterpark trips, beach days, camping, bikes rides, picnics at I can't wait to do it all! This summer is going to be epic.
    Michael: It really is. Soak up that sunshine while we can! Alright, I'll start putting together a list of fun outdoor activities for us to do. This summer is going to be one for the books!
    Emily: Awesome, I can't wait! Let me know what fun stuff you come up with for the list. I'm ready for an amazing summer!
    The Weather and Our Day
    Jenny: Hey Sarah, isn't this weather just amazing today? The sun is shining so bright and warm.
    Sarah: You're right Jenny, it's a beautiful spring day! I'm so glad we don't have to stay cooped up inside.
    Jenny: Me too! I was starting to go a little stir crazy being stuck indoors so much with all the rainy, gloomy days we've had lately.