2014-2015学年高中英语同步(全解)练习(3)及答案:Module 1 Our body and healthy habits(外研版必修2
Module 1  Our Body and Healthy Habits
I. 完成句子
1. In his early seventies, the old man ________(得病) and passed away.
2. Some animals have no choices but to _______(躺下) and sleep in winter.
3. Our English teacher_______________________(以一首英文歌曲开始了第一堂课).
4. I ____________(无意中学会) some Japanese when I was studying in Japan.
5.Come here tomorrow, __________________(不然你就会失去这次机会).
6.Who was ___________________________(第一个到校的学生) yesterday?
II. 单项填空
1. He has put all his savings ________buying that house.
A. in                            B. into                     
C. on                        D. onto
2. Follow your doctor’s advice, ________your cough will get worse.
A. or                    B. and   
C. then                    D. so
3. —I will give you a lift tomorrow morning.
A. It couldn’t be better           
B. Of course you can.
C. Really? Can it be true?               
D. Congratulations!
4. The audience ________ to see who would win the gold medal.
A. took a deep breath
B. held their breath
C. lost their breath   
D. was out of breath
5. His lessons always _______ a warming-up.
A. begin with            B. begin by
C. begin at                D. begin from
6. She _______down beside me and soon fell a deep sleep.
A. lay                    B. lied
C. laid                    D. lain
7. The gentleman asked me politely, “Have those things _______ , Madam?”
A. been paid for            B. paid on
C. paid                    D. been paid off
8. I’ll ask my driver to ______ at eight tomorrow morning.
A. pick you out            B. pick out you   
C. pick you up            D. pick up you
9. Why has she been _______for so long? That will make the boss angry and she might be ______ for this.
A. off work; out of work               
B. out of work; off work       
C. off work; out work               
D. out work; off work
10. What way do you suppose he had thought of _______the social problems before he was appointed to work here?
A. to solve              B. solving
C. to be solved            D. being solved
I. 1.became ill    2.lie down    3.began the first class with an English song    4.picked up    5.or youll lose the chance  6.the first student to come to school
    1.B  句意:他把所有的积蓄都用来买那套房子了。put…into…意为“把……投入……”为固定搭配。
3.A  对方让搭车,表示赞成,故选A,意为“再好不过了”。
4.B  hold ones breath“屏住呼吸”符合题意。take a deep breath“深吸一口气”;lose ones breath“喘不过气来”;(be)out of breath“上气不接下气”。
5.A  句意:他的课总是以热身开始。begin with为固定搭配,意为“以……开始”。
6.A  lay为lie的过去式,意为“躺”。lied是lie的过去式,意为“放置,产卵”;lain是lie的过去分词。
7.A  句意:这位先生有礼貌地问“小,那些东西都付钱了吗?”pay for“支付”符合题意。pay off指还清(债务等);B、C两项为主动语态不符合结构,也不符合题意。
9.A  句意:她为什么这么长时间不上班?那会使老板生气,她会因此失去工作。off work“不上班”;out of work“失业;失去工作”。
10.A  solve与social problems之间为动宾关系,排除C、D两项;“he had thought of”为定语从句修饰way,它和后面的词无任何关系。此处为不定式短语修饰way。
1. You should go on a diet; you are ______(超重的).
2. There must be something wrong with his ______(肺) because he always coughs.
3. He caught a cold yesterday and now has a sore _______(喉咙).
4. His chest hurts when he ______ (呼吸).
5. The doctor wrote me a ______ (处方) for my cold.
6. I won’t eat sweets because I want to lose ______ (体重).
7. It’s an ______ (可怕的) accident. More than twenty people were killed.
8. _______(保险) on my house is very high.
9. Here is a long _______(问卷) for you to write.
10. Fever is one of the ______ (症状) of an illness.
1. ______I wasn’t interested in maths, but later I began to like it.
A. Begin with            B. To begin with
C. At first                D. To end up with
2. After she ______ the baby on the bed, she ______ down and began to read.
A. lied; lied                B. lay; lay
C. laid; laid                D. laid; lay
3. —Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
—Yes, I have never been to______ one before.
A. more excited            B. the most excited
C. a more exciting        D. the most exciting
4. Follow the road until you come to the post office, ______ you’ll find the library around the corner.
A. and            B. or    C. but        D. so
5. The problem______ his not passing the exam was that he was lazy.
A. of            B. with    C. on        D. in
6. When you feel nervous, it is good for you to take a deep______ to get relaxed.
A. breathe                B. breath
C. breathes                D. breaths
7. When I was ill, I ______ a high temperature; I felt very cold.
A. have                    B. had
C. took                    D. take
8. —What do you think of the book that I _____ 10 yuan on?