___ the upper 15 miles of the Earth's surface。but they can happen at depths up to about 460 miles。As the depth increases。the number of ___。At around 460 miles。earthquakes only occur every few years。Near the surface。earthquakes can happen as often as 100 times in a month。but the ___。the number of ___ small compared to the total number of ___.
A。The number of earthquakes is closely related to depth。(This cannot be ___ the sea and give rise to seismic sea waves。but does not provide n on the ___.)
There is a type of ___ - the one ___。this is incorrect as they have nothing to do with tides。Submarine earthquakes can give rise to these waves。which are not noticeable out at sea due to their long ___。when they reach harbors。they pile up into walls of water that can be 6 to 60 feet high。The Japanese call them "tsunamis," meaning "harbor waves," because they only ___.
___ of up to 500 miles an hour。An adequate warning system is in place to alert all ___。this only ___ ground。as there is no way to。the ing wave.
___ near the Earth's surface。This means that the effects of an ___ is an example of the ___.
The cause of the ___ result。___.
The United ns' ___.