The great increase of waste that you find around the world is hard to ignore.Depending on where they live,people produce between 0.11 and 4.54 kilograms of waste every day.Even more alarming,that number is expected to increase by 70 percent by 2050.
Is there anything specific you can do to help the situation?One thing is to shop smart.Buy from companies that promote sustainable(可持续的)business practices and use recycled materials in their products.
Here are some products and companies that hit the mark for being environmentally-friendly. Wool Runners by Allbirds
These light and comfortable tennis shoes are made from natural wool.The laces(鞋带)are made from recycled water bottles.Other shoe parts are made from bean oil,and the shoeboxes are made with recycled materials.
Women's 711 Skinny Jeans by Levi'sR
It usually takes hundreds of gallons of water to make one pair of blue jeans.However,Levis WaterRLess collection uses up to 96 percent less water.
Reactive Drawstring Family Tote by Vera Bradley
These pretty bags put recycled water bottles to good use,using 23 of them per bag.
The Sunrise Reborn'TM Pack by ASICS
ASICS' new shoes were created with sustainability in mind.The material is dyed(染),using a special method.The technique uses up to 80 percent less water than regular dyeing methods.The process also uses fewer chemicals and less energy.
Regarding their future footwear lines,ASICS has made a promise.Over 95 percent of their new running shoes will be made from recycled materials.The technology behind Sunrise Reborn puts ASICS one step closer to reaching their sustainability goals.The company has promised to leave a lighter environmental footprint for future generations.
1.What do the data in Paragraph 1 show?______
A. The danger caused by waste materials.
B. The existing problem ignored by people.
C. The serious problem of increasing waste.
D. The growing amount of poisonous waste.
2.What do the four products have in common?______
A. They only use recycled materials.
B. They're made from natural materials.
C. The techniques behind them are very special.
D. Their companies share the sustainability goals.
3.Where may the text be found______
A. In a life magazine.
B. In a fantasy book.
C. In a research paper.
D. In a business report.
A 168-pound American black bear rushed out of the open end of the opening cage and ran away from it into the woods off a logging road.His sister,weighing in at 135 pounds,took a little more time to overcome her fear and confusion before she,too,ran for the trees and away from the humans who had driven more than 100 miles to witness the bears' return to the wild.
The baby bears were the 106th and 107th orphaned(孤儿的)or injured bears to be raised or treated at the Progressive Animal Welfare Society(PAWS)Wildlife Center in Washington state,then released more than a year later in the same general area where they were originally found.
They were only two weeks old when a forest worker and his dog accidentally disturbed their den(兽穴)in February 2020,scaring away their mother.She never returned.The worker got in touch with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW),which for years has partnered with PA
ignore the waste behind youWS to return sick,injured and orphaned wild animals to a good condition before releasing them back into their natural habitats.In any given year,PAWS staff cares for 150 to 175 species.
"Their eyes and ears weren't open,and their teeth hadn't even erupted," Jennifer Convy,PAWS senior director of wildlife,said of the baby bears,which each weighed less than 2 pounds when they arrived and were the youngest ever to be raised at the center.
After more than a year,the two bears returned to the wild. "Not a lot of agencies have the funding to do this kind of work.We hope to leave the state of Washington with better bear
management than when we arrived," said Rich Beausoleil,WDFW biologist. "We've found our public here in Washington appreciate that we go the extra miles and give these orphaned bears
a second shot at life."
4.How did the bear's sister feel when running into the woods?______
A. Curious.
B. Relieved.
C. Nervous.
D. Excited.
5.What can be learned about the two orphaned bears?______
A. Their past den was destroyed.
B. They were found when they were two weeks old.
C. Their mother was killed accidentally.
D. They were raised and treated in the WDFW.
6.What is the public's attitude to freeing the two orphaned bears?______
A. Unclear.
B. Doubtful.
C. Intolerant.
D. Favorable.
7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?______
A. How to Protect Black Bears
B. Two Orphaned Bears in Trouble
C. How to Raise Wild Baby Bears
D. Saved Baby Bears Back to the Wild
Daily life has its satisfactions:The perfect reply to a friend's text message;The first after-work drink;The sound of another government U-turn.But do any really compare to the joy of going to sleep That moment when the mess of 21st-century existence disappears into the
non-judgmental hug of a bed
Somehow we have pushed this pleasure to the back of the queue.A third of American adults report sl
eeping less than the recommended seven hours.Many of us feel under-rested.For some,the problem is modern life;emails,to-do lists and screens.For other people,it's the demands of work or family.Then there are those who can't sleep when they try.In 1895 the Earl of Rosebery resigned after barely a year as British prime minister,unable to overcome his insomnia(失眼眠症).Up to 1 in 10 adults meet the criteria for insomnia.
Stressing ourselves out about a lack of sleep can make the problem worse.In his book Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems,Oxford professor Colin Espie writes about "orthosomnia",where people are so focused with sleeping well that they become too anxious to do so.The marketing of sleeping aids adds to this.
Espie says we each have a sleep pattern that,like a shoe size,we figure out through trial and error.Genetically,some humans are larks(百灵鸟)and some are owls;the larks may just have better cardiovascular(心血管的)health.For an owl to try to fight their natural schedule,and sleep earlier,wouldn't necessarily help.
Once we weren't urged to sleep until we were dead.Now we are told to sleep or we'll be dead.Nowadays sleep is becoming something that people hope to .About that I'm unconvinced.A good night's sleep is a great pleasure.As far as possible,it should also remain a simple one.
8.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about sleep problem______
A. The criteria for insomnia.
B. The dangers of poor sleep.
C. The causes of inadequate sleep.
D. The sleep situation of American people.
9.What can we learn about "orthosomnia" in Paragraph 3?______
A. It is caused by extreme anxiety.
B. It will worsen the sleep problem.
C. It refers to the sleep environment.
D. It can be improved by sleeping aids.
10.What can we infer from Espie's words______
A. Sleep pattern is related to humans' gene.
B. The owls have better cardiovascular health.
C. The sleep pattern of the larks is healthier.
D. It is necessary to fight our natural schedule.
11.What does the underlined phrase "excel at" mean in the last paragraph?______
A. Figure out.
B. Be good at.
C. Give way to.
D. Compete with.
The governing body of emojis(表情符号)released a new group of the graphic images that convey human expressions and add other visual context to text communications.
Among them are a face holding back tears and hands making a heart shape.But big tech companies including Alphabet Inc.'s Google,Microsoft Corp.and Facebook Inc.have also been updating their existing emojis,adding new visual polish,animation(动画制作),flexibility and sounds.
"We spent a lot of time thinking about how we can make what somebody is saying resonate(共鸣)more,and be emotionally more clear and more present for people," said Loredana Crisan,vice president of messaging experiences at Facebook's Messenger,which introduced 31 emojis with sounds in July.
Technology companies' efforts to improve emojis come while opportunities for in-person communication remain limited as many people continue to work from home.That has increased the role of not only videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom but of emojis as well,according to observers.
"There's always been a visual component to our communication," said Paul Hunt,typeface designer and font developer at Adobe Inc.,which is a member of the Unicode Consortium,a non-profit corporation that serves as gatekeeper for the creation of emojis and other characters. "And when we're using only text,then things like tone of voice and gesture and facial expressions get lost.So usi
ng emojis as a communication tool can help to reintroduce some of that visual emotional content. "
Emojis still have many potential evolutions to experience,designers who work on them say. "That includes the ways that people find and use them",said Jennifer Daniel,creative director of emoji at Google and chair of the Unicode emoji-development subcommittee. "It is not just about adding new emojis or changing new emojis," Ms.Daniel said. "It is about the whole experience."
12.How many ways of refreshing emojis are mentioned in Paragraph 2______
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
13.What aspect is mentioned in Loredana Crisan's words?______
A. Challenges for using emojis.
B. Purposes of updating emojis.
C. The tendency for using emojis.
D. The characters of new emojis.
14.What is the advantage of using emojis over using only text______
A. Adding visual components.
B. Improving the relationship.
C. Hiding true inner thoughts.
D. Avoiding misunderstanding.
15.What do Ms.Daniel's words indicate about emojis?______
A. Emojis should be used more widely.
B. New emojis are lacking in creativity.