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  2023年英译汉翻译心得体会200字 2023年总结英语翻译篇一
  1.2.i wanted nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room 我只是想顺顺当当地到自己宿舍的路no matter how mature i liked to consider myself , i was feeling just a bit first gradish 无论我自己以为有多么成熟,我依旧感觉像一
  that’s when i realized i had been taking myself for too seriously 这时我才意识到之前自己太天真了 your mother want’s flowers,she can plant them here,where there’slot’s of sun你妈妈喜欢花,这儿阳光充足,她可以在这栽些花 i was learning what it meant to have a father 我也开始体会到有一个父亲意味着什么 soon after we moved to the suburbs,one of our new neighbors introduced herself to me在我们搬进郊区不久后,一位新邻居向我们自报家门 i never believed i would do that well and probably wouldn’thave if it had not been for profressorfine’sencouragement我从未想过能做的那样出,要不是费恩教授的鼓励,我也根本不可能获得这样好的成绩 despite what the profressor had said, it was hard work and tosayings翻译
ok concentration and occasional help from friends尽管有教授的许诺,整个过程还是非常辛苦,需要专注,偶尔还要求助于同学 it makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine知道会得到你想要的药会让你感觉好些 it is as if there was a doctor in each of us这就好像我们身体里有个医生 the success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor 这种的成功似乎在很大
  had read the entire world book encyclopedia by the age of nine他就随时就读完了《世界百科全书》 operators were required to learn complex computer languages before the machines world be used 操作者在使用机器之前必须先学
  汉译英他只不过是想帮帮她 he wanted nothing more than to help her无论我怎么努力,都不能改变他的注意 no matter how hard i tried ,i wouldn’t change his
mind别把这次失败太当回事,你以后还会有机会的 don’t take the failure too seriously and you’ll have other chance later 你可以把车停在这里,因为这儿有停车标志 you can park your car here,where’s a parking sign她现在还不明白做一个母亲意味着什么 she still doesn’t understand what it meant to be a mother年轻人走进办公室后,就向大家做了自我介绍 after he entered the office, the young man introduced himself to others 假如没有你的帮助,我是不可能及时赶上火车的 had it not been for your help,i wouldn’t have caught the train on time不管妻子怎么说,他任然工作到深夜 despite what his wife said, he still work till late into night 听到要加薪,这使他工作努力 it made him work harder to hear he would get arise in salary 这就好像你坐在一架正在起飞的飞机里 it is as ifyou were sitting in a airplane that is taking off这部戏的成功取决于我们每个人的表演 the success of play rest with the performance of all of us到去年年底我们已经学完了整本英语书 we had studied the entire english book by the end of last year近战之前所有的乘客都必须出示车票all passengers are required to show their tickets before entering the railway station