    My Best Friend
    Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I'm writing to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - Rufus! Rufus is my dog and he's the most awesome, amazing, incredible pup that ever existed. We've been best buddies ever since I was just a tiny little kid.
    I still remember the day my parents brought Rufus home. It was my 6th birthday and they had this big box with holes in it. When we opened it up, there was this tiny little golden retriever puppy inside! He was so cute and fluffy with the biggest puppy dog eyes you've ever seen. From the second I laid eyes on him, I knew we were going to be friends forever.
    At first, Rufus was kind of scared of everything. He would hide under the table or behind the couch whenever anyone came over. But after a little while, he started to get braver and braver. Once he realized my parents and my older sister were nice, he started warming up to them too. But I was always his favorite!
    We did everything together back then - playing fetch, going for walks, running around in the backyard. Rufus even slept in my bed with me every single night. My mom wasn't too happy about that part, but I didn't care. Rufus was my best friend in the universe and I wanted him right there by my side all the time.
    As Rufus got bigger, we had to get a little more creative with our games. Regular old fetch in the backyard wasn't going to cut it anymore for this huge, energetic dog! We started going on really long walks and hikes in the woods near our house. Rufus loved sniffing all the new smells and exploring every little nook and cranny along the trail. Sometimes we would find little creeks or ponds and Rufus would jump right in to swim and play. I'd get totally soaked from the splashing, but it was worth it to see the big goofy grin on his face.
sort out rests upon    One of my favorite Rufus memories is from when I was about 8 years old. We were out on a hike and Rufus found this big muddy puddle to roll around in. By the time he was done, he was absolutely caked in thick, gooey mud from head to toe. He looked like some kind of weird mud monster! I started laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. Rufus just kept running around with his tail wagging, having the time of his life. We had to give him about five baths when we got home before he was finally clean again. My mom was NOT very happy about that one!
    As we've gotten a little older, Rufus has started slowing down bit. He's almost 10 years old now, which is pretty old for a big dog like him. We still go on walks and play fetch when we can, but he gets tuckered out a lot quicker these days. Most of the time now, Rufus is just happy cuddling up on the couch with me to watch movies or TV shows. I'm just glad I can still spend time with my oldest, furriest friend.
    Rufus really has been there for me through everything - fun times, sad times, you name it. When I was little and had bad dreams, he always let me cuddle up next to him until I felt
safe enough to go back to sleep. Whenever I feel stressed out about school or other stuff, Rufus is ready with a billion slobbery kisses to make me feel better. He's watched me grow up from a little kid into a big, relatively grown-up 10-year-old. In a lot of ways, Rufus has been more than just a pet - he's been like another member of our family.
    I know dogs don't live nearly as long as people, so I try not to think too much about what I'll do without Rufus someday. For now, I'm just trying to soak up every second with my number one pal. We've had so many amazing adventures and made a million awesome memories together. I'm already looking forward to so many more to come! Rufus is truly the best dog a kid could ever ask for. Thanks for being such an incredible friend, buddy. I love you!
    Of course! Here's an essay of around 2,000 words, written in English from the perspective of an elementary school student:
    I love going to school! Every morning, I wake up super early because I can't wait to get there. My mom packs me a yummy lunch with a sandwich, an apple, and some cookies. She always puts a little note in my lunchbox too, which makes me smile.
    The best part of the day is when the school bus arrives. I get so excited waiting at the bus stop with my friends. We laugh and joke around until the big yellow bus pulls up. I race to get a window seat so I can look out at all the houses and trees we pass.
    Once we get to school, we line up by class and my teacher Mrs. Johnson leads us inside. She's really nice and always has a big smile on her face. Our classroom is so colorful with alphabet letters along the walls and fun posters everywhere.