1 a Chinese painting exhibition中国绘画展
2  practice painting on the spot 当场练习绘画
3  the classic recitation 经典背诵
4  the beauty of Chinese traditional culture 中国传统文化之美
5  enjoy a tea art performance 欣赏茶艺表演
6  a Peking Opera show/performance 京剧表演
7 extend /offer one’s warm/hearty/heartfelt welcome to sb.表达对某人热烈或衷心的欢迎
8  a variety of cultural activities 各种各样的活动
9  a series of /a wide range of activities 一系列的活动
10 get familiar with Chinese culture 对中国文化熟悉
11 consist of/be made up of/be composed of 由...组成
12 highlight of the Cultural Week文化周的精彩时刻
13 the Cultural Week covers/features a wide range of activities文化周包括各种各样的活动
14 enrich school life 丰富校园生活
15 promote excellent traditional culture推广优秀的传统文化
16 a feast for eyes 视觉盛宴
17 get/have/gain a better/ further understanding of 更好的理解
18 get/have/gain a deep insight into对...有深刻的洞察力
19 it is worthwhile for sb 值得某人做某事
20 learn the history of Chinese painting 学习国画历史
21 grab the painting skill掌握绘画技巧
22 a popular art 流行艺术
23 enjoy/appreciate the unique charm of 欣赏...的独特魅力
24 experience the tea culture 体验茶文化
25 have a keen interest in Chinese culture 对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣
26 ancient costumes 古装        27 traditional handcrafts 传统的手工艺品
28 martial arts 武术              29 calligraphy 书法
30 held/envelop you in the charm of Chinese traditional culture 使你沉浸在中国传统文化的魅力中
31 wish you a productive and pleasant week 祝你有个富有成效且愉快的一周
32 an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历
33 a delightful and memorable week 令人愉快和难忘的一周
34 promote our friendship 促进我们的友谊
sort out sth
35 express our heartfelt gratitude to 表达我们衷心的感激
36 be of significant benefit to 对... 非常有益处
37 as requested 按要求    38 take notes 做笔记    39 if necessary 如果有必要的话
40 be more than delighted to do 非常高兴的做某事
41 but for your timely help 要不是你及时的帮助
42 have such an eye-opening experience 有如此开阔眼界的经历
43 become attached to each other 变得对彼此依恋
44 be thrilled to do sth. 激动/兴奋地做某事45 wonderful field trips 很棒的田间旅行
46 inspiring lectures 鼓舞人心的演讲
47 raise our culture awareness提高我们的文化意识
48 explore the history behind cultural relics探索文物背后的历史
49 appreciate the beauty of 欣赏...背后的美
50 pass down from generation to generation 代代相传
51 hold a workshop 举办研讨会
52 with the theme of 以...为主题        53 on the topic of 以...为题目
54 A features B=A is characterized by B A 以B为特点
55 be centred on 以... 为中心        56 with the aim/purpose/intention of 以...为目的
57 in an attempt to do 努力做某事    58 broaden one’s horizons 开阔视野
59 catch a glimpse of 看一眼;        60 immerse oneself in 使...沉浸在
61 offer/provide a platform/an opportunity提供一个平台/机会
62 relieve one’s stress/pressure缓解压力    63 add spice to增添情趣
64 arouse/spark/stimulate one’s 激起某人对…的兴趣
65 be equipped with the following qualities具备以下品质
66 raise/enhance/strengthen/boost the awareness of cultural relics protection提高文物保护意识
67 strengthen national self-confidence 增强民族自信心
68 deepen the study of history 加深对历史的研究
69 the highlight of the event 事情的精彩时刻
70 the upcoming event 即将到来的事情
71 in an effort to bridge cultural gap 努力弥合文化鸿沟
72 hold/launch some instructive and entertaining activities开展一些寓教于乐的活动
73 promote the mutual understanding of 促进互相了解;促进相互理解
74 the activity gained great popularity among students 这项活动在学生中很受欢迎
75 all teachers and students thought highly of it.所有的老师和学生都高度评价它
76 Apart from boosting our interest in traditional  culture, the activity will help us deepen our insight into .....(the spirit behind).除了提高我们对传统文化的兴趣外,这项活动将帮助我们加深对... 的理解。
77 The activity turned out to be a huge success/hit. 活动非常成功
78 take pride in=be proud of 对... 自豪
79 our rich and diverse food culture 我们丰富多样的饮食文化
80 extend my sincere congratulations 致以诚挚的祝贺
81 enjoy high reputation worldwide在全球享有盛誉
82 what stands out 最突出的是
83 at home and abroad国内外
84 a classic/authentic Chinese dish 经典/地道的中国菜
85 a must-try dish for anyone who loves Chinese cuisine.对于任何热爱中国菜的人来说,这是一道必尝的菜
86 date back to ... 追溯到
87 have/boast a long/profound history of..有着悠久/深厚的历史
88 show the wisdom of Chinese people展现中国人民的智慧
89 celebrate the comfortable atmosphere of family reunion 庆祝家庭团聚的温馨气氛
90 a symbol of reunion 团聚的象征
91 in the shape of ... 形状为
92 give off inviting smell 散发诱人的气味
93 rich flavors and unique cooking techniques丰富的口味和独特的烹饪技术
94 gain great popularity among/with.….在…中广受欢迎
95 with distinctive flavors and inviting smells具有独特的味道和诱人的气味