Spiritual love means not dwelling on the weaknesses of others. Instead, there is concern of removing one’s own defects. The method to do that is to “check one’s own pulse” regularly to monitor how much one has adopted the natural habit of giving happiness, not sorrow, to others. However, true love from the heart also means one cannot bear to see weaknesses in another for whom there is love. There is the pure desire to correct what is inaccurate. Such correction would be carried out, on one hand, with the feeling of love, and on the other hand, with the power of words. There would be balance between the two. When there is too much force in the words or too much love, the result is not successful. If words are too sharp, another may be insulted or put off by bossiness (专横). When one has the right balance of love and power in words, that gives others an experience of compassion (怜悯), mercy, and benefit. No matter how powerful or bitter the message, it will touch the heart of the other and will be experienced as truth.
    Human beings have become caught up in a pattern of behavior which has distorted (扭曲) the value of love and the ability to trust one another with feelings and intentions. One minute there is love; the next minute that love is broken, resulting in intense sorrow and pain. It is as
if the human intellect has lost connection with the one eternal (永久的) source of love and has taken support from temporary sources. As a result, instead of having one strength and one support from an unconditional source, human souls remain thirsty for true love, even one drop. Without that love, they continue to wander around in distress, searching one drop. Without that love, they continue to wander around in distress (悲痛), searching.
1. In the first line, the phrase “dwelling on” most probably means _____.
  A) chasing or following someone or something, to catch or attack them
  B) finding something pleasant by accident.
  C) living in a house, apartment etc. for a long time period
  D) thinking about something, especially unpleasant, for a long time
2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  A) Criticisms with love and power in words are sincerely accepted.
  B) Words too forceful are useless in correcting people’s mistakes.
  C) One can tolerate the weaknesses in his or her beloved.
  D) One should regularly check one’s own action
3. According to the passage, intense sadness and pain are mainly caused by _____.
  A) not only the loyalty of love but also human intellect
  B) speaking both forcefully and lovingly
  C) loyal love with one another but not having much wealth
  D) distorted values of love and inability to be truthful
4. The true love is found only when _____.
  A) human intellect has connection with an eternal source of love
  B) one can bear to see the weaknesses in the beloved
  C) human beings stop wandering around in distress
  D) human beings get support from an unconditional source
5. This passage mainly talks about _____ .
  A) compassion and mercy    B) spiritual love
  C) love and power in words   D) mercy and tolerance
Europe has experienced enormous upheavals (剧变) this century. Wars, revolutions, separations and elections have changed the political map of the continent countless times.
And with each change, power has shifted, creating new winners and new losers.
  But for one group – the gypsies – change has always meant losing. With each upheaval, the gypsies have been left worse off than they were before. Yet they have survived to become Europe’s largest minority. Moreover, they have succeeded in preserving their culture and their way of life in the face of genocide (种族灭绝), political persecution (迫害) and poverty.
  In other cases where minorities have survived similar persecutions – like Jews during World War II, or Blacks in South Africa – their cause has received international support. By contrast, the gypsies’ success at preserving their culture is not regarded as an achievement at all. Instead, it's viewed as proof they are both unwilling and unable to change, and therefore irredeemable (不可救药的). Indeed, in 1993, an European country president openly attacked their way of life and said steps should be taken “to curtail (减少,剥夺) the extended reproduction of this socially unacceptable and mentally backward population”.
  If such a thing had been said about any other minority, the political outcry would have bee
n enormous. But, because the Slovak President was referring to gypsies, there were few complaints except from a few small organizations who try to protect gypsies’ human rights.
  There is little chance that attitudes towards gypsies will change, at least in the foreseeable future. Protection under human rights’ laws might come if Eastern Europe countries join the European Union. Such laws will never be enough to put an end to centuries of discrimination, but for the time being, they are the gypsies’ best hope.
1. Which can be served as the best title of this passage?B
  A) The Changes of Gypsies
  B) The Attitudes towards Gypsies
  C) Lost Survivors
  D) The Inheritors of the Culture
2. Which is true during the process of the enormous upheavals in Europe?A
  A) Life of gypsies has not been bettered.
  B) There didn’t appear any winners and losers.
  C) Gypsies’ way of life has not been preserved.
  D) Power has not been changed.
3. What do the gypsies most eagerly hope for at present?B
  A) Inhabiting in East Europe.
  B) Human rights’ laws.
  C) Joining European Union.
  D) Preserving their culture.
4. Which statement is NOT true of gypsies?A
  A) Gypsies’ miserable social status aroused great sympathies all over the world.
  B) There will not be any substantial change in the attitude towards gypsies.
  C) Gypsies are the largest minority people in Europe.
  D) Gypsies have not received the same international support as Jews and Blacks do.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that __A___ .
  A) human rights’ laws are effective in stopping the discrimination
  B) most gypsies are living in Eastern Europe nowadays
  C) discrimination against gypsies will be stopped in the near future
  D) gypsies are regarded as the lowest race in the world

B) The Attitudes towards Gypsies
A) Life of gypsies has not been bettered.
B) B) Human rights’ laws
C) A) Gypsies’ miserable social status aroused great sympathies all over the world
D) A) human rights’ laws are effective in stopping the discrimination
Every fruit, vegetable, grain and domestic animals we see today is the result of genetic modification. Biotechnology refines and ___1___ methods that produce new plants and animals. Biotechnology has a long history of use in food ___2__ and processing. For ten thousand years fermentation, a form of biotechnology has been used to produce wine, beer and bread. Selective __3___ of animals such as horses and dogs has been going on for centuries. The same thing has been done in farming. People have created many local varieties of essential foods such as rice, corn and wheat with improved yields __4___ their wild ancestors. Today, through newer biotechnology and __5___ engineering, scientists can do even more. They can move one gene, the inherited instruction for specific traits, from organism to another and omit the __6___ traits. This enables food producers to obtain animal and crop improvements in a much more precise, controlled and predictable __7___. The potential benefits of biotechnology are enormous. Food producers can use new biotechnology to __8___ new products with desirable characteristics. These include characteristics such as disease-and drought-resistant plants, leaner meat and enhanced flavor and nutritional __9___ of foods. This technology has also been used to develop life-saving vaccines, insulin, cancer __10___ and other pharmaceuticals (医药品) to improve quality of life.
__11___, plant breeders were greatly limited. They were limited to __12__. Traits within the same botanical (植物的) family, such as wheat to wheat. Only pollen (花粉) from a compatible parent wheat could be used to fertilize the seed-producing plant. The __13___ of traits possible from this combination was limited by these genetic compatibility barriers. Today, gene __14___ does not have the same limitations. It is not confined within cross-breeding species __15___ can cross genetic barriers such as corn to tomato. A gene for a __16__ trait can be identified and transferred from many sources. The news doesn’t stop there, however. The work of researchers in this __17___ had even broader applications. Modern techniques have been used to change a trait in its native plant __18___. For example a tomato transfer can control softening and ripening of the fruit. Another __19___ is the transfer of modified forms of plant virus genes to plants to create a plant with complete resistance to that virus. It is easy to see how the use of new scientific techniques __20___ much wider application of nature’s diversity. And it’s exciting to see how it is improving our lives.

1. A) enlarge      B) extends
  C) donates     D) recollects
2. A) production  B) creation
  C) invention   D) profession
3. A) proceeding  B) bleeding
  C) breeding    D) exceeding
4. A) similar to
  B) compared to
  C) contrary to
  D) identical to
5. A) genetic     B) energetic 
  C) magnetic    D) theoretic
6. A) inherited  B) undesirable
  C) original  D) unnecessary
7. A) manner    B) possibility
  C) mode      D) means
8. A) indicate    B) produce
  C) display    D) invent
9. A) quality  B) characteristics
  C) quantity  D) trait
10. A) remedy  B) cure
  C) treatment  D) prevention
11. A) On time 
  B) In the end
  C) In the past
   D) On the whole
12. A) revealing
   B) discharging
  C) establishing
  D) introducing
13. A) monotony  B) reversion
  C) diversity  D) conversion
14. A) transform  B) transfer
  C) transition
   D) transmission
15. A) but     B) however
  C) yet     D) and
16. A) lonely   B) single
  C) unique   D) plain
17. A) topic    B) field
  C) focus    D) employment
18. A) structure  B) system
  C) element  D) cell
19. A) access    B) approach
  C) application  D) invention
20. A) engages  B) encloses
  C) endures  D) enables
There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains ___1___ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low ___2___ unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor in what happens to the individual is the sort of environment he is reared. If an individual is handicapped ___3___, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop. And he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is ___4___.
The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be ___5___ by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark.
A) individual    B) differ        C) environmentally    D) capable  
E) able         F) intelligence    G) reared          H) demonstrated               
The Impact of Time
    Have you ever studied your calendar and wondered where the weeks and months went? Time seems to fly when we are too busy to be "in the moment."
    If you want to be present for your life, slow down and create timelessness by engaging in activities that give you joy.
    In a book by Dr. Stephen Rechtschaffen, called Timeshifting: Creating More Time To Enjoy Your Life, the author states that 95 percent of us suffer from "time poverty." This is when you feel frustrated, stressed, trapped and under constant pressure. You have the nagging feeling you should be engaged in something else and life seems to be slipping away.
    Our challenge with the pace of society begins when we are children. Children move to a different rhythm; at times they move fast, but when they discover something new and exciting, or something they love, they slow down and are "present". Timelessness is a child at play. To children, the rhythm of society is a rude awakening.
    One morning I woke up late and raced through my morning trying to get my children ready for school. My preschooler was drawing with colored pencils and was lost in the moment of making beautiful art when I interrupted him. I grabbed the pencils and tossed them into a bag but not before he retaliated by screaming and throwing his paper. My oldest son was not impressed when I told him we had to go.
    I was at fault for pushing these children out of their rhythm. I should have given them more time. They have their whole lives to run at society's pace.
    Think about time and its impact on your life. If you conduct yourself as if you are driving 200 miles an hour and suddenly slow down to 50 miles an hour, you will feel major discomfort or may have an accident.
    If you work all day and life is hectic, what do you do when you get home? You turn on the television, computer or stereo to ease the transition and keep a similar rhythm that you experienced during the day.
    Going from chaos to a quiet environment is awkward. It is uncomfortable because we slow down and have time to reflect on our lives and challenges. Most of us prefer
not to deal with inner conflicts, so we keep busy. We turn on technology and tune out.
    It is easier to keep busy in a society that emphasizes speed, efficiency, profits and results.
    We fear slowing down because a tougher economy means company downsizing and downsizing means eliminating inefficient workers. Slowing down is perceived to be a weakness and if we value our jobs, we will work longer and harder and give up our precious resource: free time.
    Slowing down need not be permanent. Rather it is a rest stop, like a break in music, a breath of fresh air. Slowing down allows us to recharge and restructure our world. It is necessary for balance and it is a challenge to impose.
    When you follow this path, have a network of family and friends for support. Find moments in each day to rest, stretch, exercise, meditate or do whatever you need to "unwind." Choose activities that allow you to lose track of time. Set little goals for yourself and think of ways to improve. Read, ask others for suggestions and expect
some setbacks.
sort out his feelings    Your new life will not happen overnight but that is fine because it takes time to adjust to time escapes. Remember: Rome was not built in a day.
1. We often feel that time is flying and that we should busy ourselves in doing something else.
2. Children are taught not to keep pace of the society when they are very young.
3. When the author tried to hurry her children to go to school one morning, they showed no quick response.
4. Changing our rhythm suddenly can cause discomfort.
5. Attempting to do too much in too little time can cause a significant amount of stress.
6. Most people like to slow down and think about their lives and challenges.
7. It’s more difficult to keep busy than to slow down.
8. The author holds that to have free time is more important than to work longer and
9. It will take a long time to slow down so as to provide ourselve with an opportunity to recharge our minds and restructure our world.
10. You can not slow down and change your life overnight.