    How to Help College Kids With Their Feelings
    College kids are big, but they still get sad and worried a lot. Their heads hurt from thinking too much. Here are some ways we can help them feel better:
    Talk to a Feelings Doctor
    College kids should talk to a feelings doctor when they are super duper sad for a long time. The feelings doctor has special tricks to make their brains happier. They can teach college kids how to stop the negative thoughts spinning around in their heads.
    My cousin Danny saw a feelings doctor when he was at college. He used to stay in his room all day long feeling miserable. But after seeing the doctor a few times, Danny started s
miling again. The doctor gave him exercises to help his mind relax and see things in a more positive way. Now Danny feels much better and has fun hanging out with his friends again.
    Exercise and Go Outside
    When college kids sit at their desks working on homework for hours and hours, their bodies get stiff and their minds get swirly. They need to get outside in the fresh air and run around! Exercise makes your body and mind feel good.
    Last year, my babysitter Jessica was really stressed from all her college classes and tests. She would cry a lot over her books late at night. My mom told Jessica she should take breaks and exercise during the day. So Jessica started going for half-hour walks around the park to clear her head. She also joined an indoor soccer team to get some extra running in. Soon, Jessica felt a lot less stressed and could focus better on her schoolwork.
    Eat Good Food
    You can't think straight on an empty stomach! College kids need healthy fuel for their brains. But a lot of them live on ramen noodles and potato chips, which isn't good fuel at all.
    When I get hangry, I can't concentrate on anything either. But after eating a salad with chicken or a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread, my tummy feels happy and my head works properly again. College kids gotta get their veggies, protein, and whole grains. Maybe their schools could pack them healthy lunch bags like my mom packs for me!
    Get Lots of Sleep
    Sleeping is how our bodies recharge their batteries. But I know lots of college kids who stay up almost all night long working or partying. That's now how you re-energize!
    One time, my teenage cousin Sarah pulled an "all-nighter" working on a big project after not sleeping much the whole week before. The next day, Sarah came over to our house with bags under her eyes. She was nodding off on the couch and grumpy when my little brother tried talking to her. Sarah's brain was way too drained to think properly.
    College kids need their 8-9 hours of sleep every night. When they get overtired, their problems just seem way bigger than they really are. A good night's sleep works wonders for taking worries down a few notches.
    Spend Time with Friends
    My dad always says, "No man is an island." That means we all need our friends around us for support. College kids can't just lock themselves away forever.
    My friend Jake's older brother Frank hit a low point last semester. He didn't join any clubs and spent all his free time alone studying in his dorm room. Soon Frank was really lonely and bummed out. When Jake saw how sad his brother had become, he started getting Frank to hang out with his friends on campus more often. They would exercise at the rec center, get meals together, or just hang around cracking jokes. Having a good circle of friends helped Frank see the positive side of life again.
sort out his feelings
    Ask For Help
    The smartest college kids are the ones who admit, "Hey, I need some assistance over here!" They shouldn't be afraid or too proud to ask for help.
    Last year in math class, anytime I got stuck my hand shot right up to ask the teacher for help. My friend Michael refused to raise his hand, even when he clearly didn't understand. So while I worked through the tricky stuff, Michael fell further and further behind until he was totally lost. Don't be like Michael! College kids, just ask your professors or classmates if you need help working through your problems.
    All kids get overwhelmed sometimes, no matter how old they are. But college kids can stay emotionally healthy by taking these simple steps. A little counseling, self-care, social time, and asking for help go a long way. We're all in this together, so let's make sure our big college kid friends get the support they need!
