超级英雄是幻想的英雄角,早期多为美国漫画中所塑造的英雄角。那么你知道超级英雄用英语怎么说吗?现在跟 一起学习超级英雄的英语表达及造句吧。
Superhero [ˈsu:pəhɪərəʊ] [ˈsu:pərhɪroʊ]
超级英雄的英文例句1. Wearing a superhero costume doesn't make anyone a superhero who can fly.
2. No, not the Warrior Princess, but still perhaps a superhero in her own right.
, 她不是勇士公主.可是,也许对她来讲仍不失为一个超级英雄.
3. Who is your favorite superhero? Explain why?
你喜欢的超级英雄是谁? 说说为什么?
4. NBC aflagging football drama as superhero show posts higher numbers.
sort of造句
5. Well, he may not be a superhero, but he isn't evil either.
, 他也许不是一个超级英雄, 但他也不是一个恶棍.
6. What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?
要是我不是超级英雄 ?要暮光之城1电影是我是个坏蛋 ?
7. Superhero movies are supposed to soar but most of these limp.
8. What's the toughest thing about being a superhero?
9. Who is your favorite superhero and why?
10. Harry Potter is not your average superhero.
11. He's sort of a superhero.
12. Becoming a DIY superhero could rob us of some essential quality to do with being vulnerable.
13. The original superhero finally returns to the cinema screens of the world this year.
14. It's the story of a cartoon - like superhero who was reinvented and based on the brain.
15. Peter Parker must face new challenges, as the elusive superhero Spider - man in this third installment.
皮特.帕克又要面对全新的挑战, 作为一个让人难以琢磨的超级英雄--蜘蛛 在第三部中再次出场.
关于超级英雄英文阅读:超级英雄们哪家强Batman vs. Superman. Captain America vs. Iron Man. This year, this year's cinema is packed with several superhero showdowns.
Which superhero is the strongest? Study tries to answer heated debate.
Now, students at the University of Leicester have taken a more analytical approach to the whole discussion, performing a series of simple calculations to determine just how feasible
the powers of our favorite heroes are. As they reported in a series of paper appearing in the Journal of Physics Special Topics and the Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics, the researchers have found that DC’s iconic Man of Steel, Superman, is the best-equipped superhero of all, followed closely by Marvel’s Wolverine, Mystique, and Thor, based on an evaluation of each individual’s set of special powers.
Fans of Batman may be distressed to learn that the Gotham Knight scored last, earning the title of the least well-equipped superhero.
As the authors explained, while his cape has proven to be a tremendous asset when gliding in the movies and in comic books, in reality, Batman would reach velocities of nearly 80km/h while doing so, which would likely prove fatal when he attempted to land – meaning that his efforts to save the day would probably end quite tragically.