sort of army    My Hometown: A Celebration of Culture and Tradition
    Hello friends! My name is Jenny and I'm going to tell you all about my amazing hometown. I live in a place called Xi'an, which is in the Shaanxi Province of China. Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in my country and it's famous for its rich history and beautiful traditions.
    Let me start by telling you about the most iconic landmark in Xi'an - the Terracotta Warriors! These life-sized warrior statues were buried underground for over 2,000 years before farmers accidentally discovered them in 1974. Can you imagine? An entire army of clay soldiers standing guard over the tomb of China's first emperor for centuries! The Terracotta Warriors are incredible works of art and no visit to Xi'an is complete without seeing them.
    My hometown is also renowned for its centuries-old City Wall, which used to protect the ancient capital. The wall is huge - it's 12 meters tall, 12-14 meters across at the top and the entire thing is around 14 kilometers long! You can rent a bike or a golf cart to ride along the ancient fortifications. It's so much fun peddling past the massive gates and looking out over the city skyline.
    Xi'an is famous for its unique foods too. One of my favorite local snacks is a warm, crispy bing - that's a flatbread with different toppings. The besttoppings in my opinion are beef or lamb stuffed inside the bing. They're so delicious! Another yummy Xi'an treat is roujiamo, which is stewed pork belly stuffed inside a leavened bun. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! For dessert, you have to try the persimmon cakes. They look like chrysanthemum flowers made out of sweet, gooey persimmon paste.
    An important part of Xi'an's culture is a form of opera called Qinqiang. It combines singing, dancing, martial arts, and even puppetry! The performers wear bright, elaborate costumes with masks and headpieces. Watching a Qinqiang opera is like watching a movie
but live on stage. The stories they act out are folk tales passed down for generations upon generations.
    Speaking of customs passed down through time, every year my family and I celebrate the Qingming Festival. We start by putting on our nicest outfits and visiting the gravesites of our ancestors to show respect. Then we burn fake paper money and other offerings. It's supposed to make sure our relatives who passed away are taken care of in the afterlife. After that, we fly kites and it's considered good luck if your kite stays up the longest!
    The Chinese New Year is another huge celebration in Xi'an. My favorite part is watching the incredible drummer troupes perform in the streets leading up to New Year's Day. The drummers wear these ornate costumes with masks portraying different faces - some scary looking, some funny. As they play rhythms on their drums, they also do choreographed dances. The atmosphere is just electric! And of course, every family decorates their home with lanterns, spring couplets, and depictions of the new zodiac animal for that year.
    On the 15th day of the new year, we celebrate the Lantern Festival. All the streets are de
corated with beautiful lanterns of different colors, shapes and sizes. Some lanterns are works of art with movable parts or carved scenes. My friends and I love watching the dragon dances at night under the glow of the lanterns. Giant puppets weave through the crowds following the rhythm of beating drums. It's pure magic!
    Those are just a few examples of the awesome traditions and cultural experiences you can enjoy in Xi'an. From historic sites like the Terracotta Warriors to amazing foods, performing arts, festivals, and more - my hometown has so much to offer! Xi'an was the starting point of the ancient Silk Road trade route, so it has been a meeting place for different cultures and ethnicities for thousands of years. That diversity and richness is still very much alive today.
    I feel so lucky to grow up surrounded by such an incredible blend of history, food, music, art and celebrations. The culture here is vibrant and special. If you ever get a chance to visit my hometown, I know you'll love soaking in the sights, sounds, and flavors as much as I do. Thanks for reading and I hope you can come explore Xi'an soon! Let me know if you have any other questions.