主谓一致 (Subject- Verb Agreement
A or B
Neither A nor B
Either A or B
Not only A but also B
There/here be
1. 就近原则: 谓语动词的人称和数与靠近的主语保持一致
e.g. Not only you but also he likes collecting stamps.
Either he or I am wrong.
Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it.
There is a desk, two tables and four chairs in the office.
Are either you or he going to visit the exhibition?
with, along with, including, like, unlike, as well as, in addition to, besides, but, except , such as , together with, rather than, accompanied by
2. 主语后面有如下词连接时,谓语动词仍视主语而定。
e.g. Tom as well as his parents is going to B.J.
Nobody but the students is in the classroom.
Our school with some other schools was built in the 1950s
3. 主语是下列不定代词时谓语动词用单数形式
each, either, neither, one, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no
one, nobody, every+ n.
e.g. Each of us has read the book.
Either of the stories is interesting.
Nobody wants to go there.
Somebody is waiting for you.
none 做主语时,谓语动词单复数均可。
◆ all 自己做主语时,代表人为复数,代表物和事为单数。
◆ 不定代词如果做同位语,谓语动词随主语变化:They each have won a prize.
family, government, class, population, team, group, crowd, audience, company,
committee, army, club, staff, band, crew
e.g. Our group were discussing on the topic.
Our group is made up of fourteen boys.
My family has moved into a new house.
My family are all teachers.
◆ people ,cattle ,police , youth 通常谓语用复数。
◆ equipment, clothing, furniture, jewellery, machinery 虽然是表示总称但是不可数所以谓语用单数。
e.g. To help others is our duty.
  What we need is not money.→ What we need are teachers.
◆ To do A and to do B / Doing A and doing B + 复数谓语
◆ Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.
e.g. Two plus two is four.
Three times six makes eighteen.
7.主语表示一个整体:时间,金钱, 距离,度量衡等,谓语动词用单数
e.g. Ten years is a long time.
Ten pounds has been spent on the book.
◆ 如果强调时间过得很慢,谓语动词可以用复数
Those three minutes were the worse I ever spent.
8.主语表一类人,即 the + 形容词/分词,谓语动词用复数。
e.g. The old are taken care of here.
The wounded is a 16-year-old girl.
9. 由and连接两个主语但表示同一人,同一物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数。
e.g. The teacher and writer is her friend. 
What he has got and wants to get shocks us all.
sort of和kind ofThe cart and horse was owned by a farmer.
A knife and fork is laid on the table.
The desk and chair is going to be given to you.
10. 主语由肯定与否定两部分组成,谓语与肯定形式保持一致。
e.g. Not you but I am to answer for it.   
I, not you, am to answer for it.
11. 主语为以s结尾的单个书名,国家名,学科等名称时谓语动词用单数。
e.g. The United States was found in 1776.
The physics is easy to learn.
Times is not available here.
The Adventures of Huckleberry is written by Mark Twin.
12. 主语为单复数同形词,看其修饰的成分或上下文确定谓语。
e.g. One steel works was built in 1975.
A sheep is under the tree.   
A flock of sheep are near the tree.
◆ work 作品的单数  works  作品的复数
13. 定语从句中,如果先行词是 the (only )one of + pl. that + 单数谓语
e.g. He is the only one of boys that has gone to the USA.
◆ He is one of boys who have gone to the USA.
14. 在倒装句中,看后面的真正主语。
e.g.  Here comes the teacher.
There comes the bus.     
On the wall are some famous paintings.
15. The number of + pl. + 单数谓语,a number of + pl. +复数谓语
e.g. The number of the students is 62.
16. 由and连接的并列单数主语前如果有no、each、every、many a、more than one ,其谓语动词要用单数形式。
e.g. Every student and every teacher was in the room.
Many a boy and many a girl is playing on the ground.
No man and no animal is to be found on the moon.
17. 主语表示一部分时, 后面是可数名词复数就接复数谓语动词, 后面是不可数名词就接单数谓语动词. two thirds of , half of, twenty percent of, some of, the rest of, most of,
e.g. Two thirds of students in our class are boys.
Most of his money is spent on books.
The rest of the students are taking an active part in sports.
18. 强调句式强调主语时  It is/ was +强调部分 + that/who+ …谓语动词看主语。