sort of given什么意思篇1
    Lu Hong: A Legendary Hero
    Lu Hong was a great hero who lived a long time ago during the Song Dynasty in China. He was born in a small village and grew up very poor, but he never let that stop him from dreaming big!
    From a young age, Lu Hong loved hearing stories about brave warriors and cunning strategists who protected the common people. His favorites were tales of folk heroes like Wong Fei-hung and Kwok Ching who used their martial arts skills to fight injustice. Lu Hong practiced kung fu every single day, perfecting his kicks and punches in the hopes that one day he too could become a protector of the innocent.
    When Lu Hong was just 18 years old, he had his first chance to be a real hero. A wealthy landlord was bullying the farmers in his village, forcing them to pay unfair taxes and seizing their land when they couldn't pay. Lu Hong stood up to the mean landlord, using his kung fu to drive him away. The grateful villagers were so impressed that they started calling Lu Hong "The Defender."
    Word quickly spread about The Defender's bravery and skill. Before long, Lu Hong was sought out by people from all across the countryside who needed his help fighting corrupt officials, defeating bandit gangs, or recovering stolen property. No job was too big or small for The Defender! He became a sort of knight-errant, a wandering fighter who used his martial arts for good.
    Lu Hong didn't just rely on his fists though. He was also incredibly smart and an amazing strategist. Whenever someone hired The Defender, he would carefully study the situation, looking for the wisest solution. He preferred using his wits to resolve conflicts peacefully if possible. Only if negotiations failed would he resort to force as a last option.
    One of The Defender's most famous exploits was when he helped the emperor himself defeat an evil prince who was trying to seize the throne. Using a brilliant plan, Lu Hong snuck into the prince's palace and captured him without any violence at all! The emperor was so grateful that he offered Lu Hong a huge reward, but The Defender refused, saying his only wish was for the common people to be treated fairly.
    Lu Hong lived his entire life upholding that noble code - using his skills to protect the weak and make the world a little bit better. He inspired generations of folk heroes who followed his example of courage, wisdom and selflessness in the face of injustice and oppression. Even today, almost a thousand years later, stories of The Defender's legendary adventures are still told and celebrated all across China.
    To me, Lu Hong represents the very best human qualities - bravery, loyalty, humility and an unwavering dedication to doing the right thing, no matter what. He reminds us that even an ordinary person can become a great hero just by choosing to always stand up for what's good and just. Lu Hong's lasting legacy proves that one person really can make a difference.
    My Grandpa Lu Hong
    My grandpa's name is Lu Hong and he's one of the bravest and most amazing people I know. He was born a long time ago in 1915 in a small village called Xiangtan in Hunan Province, China. When he was just a young boy, times were really hard in China with lots of fighting and wars going on. Despite this, Grandpa worked incredibly hard in school and loved studying history, geography and literature.
    In 1934, when he was 19 years old, he decided to join the revolution to fight against the Japanese invaders and make China a better place. He travelled hundreds of miles on foot through the mountains to join the Red Army led by Chairman Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. Can you imagine hiking that far as a teenager? I get tired just walking to school!
    Grandpa quickly proved himself to be a brilliant strategist and became a respected leader in the Red Army. He took part in many major battles against the Japanese and the N
ationalist forces. One time, his unit was completely surrounded by the enemy with no food or ammunition left. Instead of surrendering, Grandpa led them on a daring overnight march through the enemy lines to safety. Another time, he dressed up like a farmer and snuck behind enemy lines to blow up an ammunition depot. He was so brave!
    After the wars ended in 1949, Grandpa worked hard to help rebuild the country and modernize industry and agriculture. He held many important government jobs like leading steel mills and factories. He was put in charge of national defense and even got to meet astronauts and inspect China's space program. No matter how important he became, Grandpa never let it go to his head. He stayed humble and put serving the people first.
    When I was little, Grandpa would tell me all kinds of incredible stories from the revolution and wars. He said the hardest times made him appreciate peace and freedom even more. He taught me the importance of perseverance, integrity and never giving up on your dreams no matter how difficult things get. Grandpa worked until he was 90 years old before finally retiring. Even now at 109, he still reads a lot, stays active mentally, and shares his wisdom with our family.