Ireact to后面接什么n middle school, I was called a nickname by my classmates. At first, I was a bit embarrassed and didn't know how to react. But as time went on, I learned to embrace it and even found it quite amusing. The nickname they gave me was "Bookworm", because I was always seen carrying around a book and spending my free time reading.
I have always loved reading and learning new things, so being called "Bookworm" actually made me proud. It showed that my classmates recognized my passion for books and knowledge. And it also made me stand out a bit in the class, which was kind of cool.
However, there were times when the nickname was used in a teasing or mocking way. Some of my classmates would make fun of me for always having my nose in a book, or for not being as outgoing as others. It did hurt my feelings a little, but I tried not to let it bother me too much. I knew that their teasing was not meant to be malicious, but rather just a way of joking around.
Overall, being called "Bookworm" by my classmates was a unique experience. It made me feel special and different in a good way. And it also taught me to embrace my interests and not be ashamed of who I am.