react-use usemount
react-use is a library in React that provides a collection of reusable hooks for common tasks. One of these hooks is called "useMount".
The "useMount" hook allows you to perform side effects when a component is mounted (rendered for the first time). It is similar to the useEffect hook, but it is specifically designed to be triggered only once, when the component is mounted.
Here's an example of how you can use the useMount hook:
import { useMount } from 'react-use';
function MyComponent() {
  useMount(() => {
    // Perform side effects when the component is mounted
    console.log('Component mounted');
  return (
      {/* Component content */}
In this example, the console.log statement will be executed only once, when the MyComponent is initially rendered. Any side effects that you want to perform when a comp
onent is mounted can be placed inside the useMount callback function.
The useMount hook can be useful for tasks such as fetching data from an API, initializing a library or plugin, or subscribing to events.
Overall, the useMount hook provided by react-use simplifies the process of triggering side effects only when a component is mounted in React.