    During the last hundred years, great changes have taken place in China. The Chinese society, which had gone through the long feudal period, and later the semi-colonial, semi-feudal period, had turned into a socialist society. This historic change has led to changes in the Chinese family structure. Large families began to divide into smaller extended families and stem families, with the trend pointing toward the emergence of more and more nuclear families.
是保护人娄自己。我强烈呼吁:不要再捕杀黑猩猩,不要再捕杀野生动物了,让我们人类多一些地球上的朋友,多给我们下一代保留一些野生动物吧! 否则,地球将毁灭在人类手中,人类将毁灭在自己手中。
At present, man’s living environment is being ruined, and beautiful nature is no longer so beautiful. Protection of wild life is protection of man himself. So I appeal strongly to all to stop killing the chimpanzee or any other wild animal. Let us human beings have more friends on the earth, and leave more wild life for future generations. Or the earth would be destroyed by man, and man by man himself.
An increasing number of Chinese parents overseas with education in English have realized the importance of commanding Chinese as well as that of mastering indispensable English. The rise of China has fully awakened their awareness of the benefits of their kids’ bilingual study, that is, both to increase their chances of employment and to facilitate their contact and familiarity with two different cultures, the Oriental and the Occidental. Now, they have begun their positive support of their kids’ study of Chinese and Chinese culture, of their frequent visit of China to admire its magnificent natural scenery and to command its cultural heritage.
China’s vast size and resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years, C
hina have made her an increasing important player in the modern international economy. China’s rapid emergence as a major world actor is a tribute to the drive and entrepreneurial spirit of her people, and more particularly to the fundamental economic reforms she has pursued over the past two decades. It is a clear testimony to the success of the open door policy led by Deng Xiaoping.
resources翻译Computers and the Internet, rather than offering something new, combine all our technological means of artificial memory–text, sound and image–to create a synthesis that can recall memories more intensely than anything before. Some have suggested that this trend is making young people more nostalgic and more continually engaged in their own pa
st. Through blogging and social networking, the Internet allows young people to retain their own past and also visit others’ pasts.
Thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication, the world is getting smaller and smaller. And the whole world community appears to be no more than a large global village, where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values. While experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the “villagers” seek to live in harmony. Culture exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich a nation’s own culture. Through culture exchange, different cultures can absorb and influence each other.
According to researchers' estimateEurope's population will continue to decline for decades. At present 1.5 babies are born for every European Union womanwhen two births are required for the population“replacement rate”to be maintained. Even if women started to have more children againthe tendency to population decline would continue for decadesas there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one.
Concerning the current educational system in China, our practice of cultivating people still has quite a few drawbacks. While overemphasizing the passing on of knowledge, our basic education overlooks development of non-intelligence characters including interest, technical ability and moral make-up of our youngsters. Under such circumstances, it is therefore imperative to accelerate transition from test-oriented education to quality-based education.