1.我将她归于全国最优秀作家之列. (rank)
I rank her among the country’s best writers.
2.我们几乎很少收到顾客的抱怨. (rarely; 倒装句)
Very rarely do we have a complaint from any of our customers.
3.日本人生食许多东西. (raw)
The Japanese eat a lot of things raw.
4.当意识到身处险境时, 他伸手去拿. (reach)
When realizing that he was in danger, he reached for his gun.
5.M aria对她妹妹诞生的第一反应便是变得更加会关心人. (reaction)
Maria’s first reaction to the birth of her sister was to become more caring.
6.只要价格合理, 我还是会欣然接受的. (readily)
As long as the price is reasonable, I’m going to accept it readily.
7.我跟她理论了几个小时, 想让她认识到危险性, 但她就是不听. (reason)
I reasoned with her for hours about the danger, but she would not change her mind.
8.律师让目击证人尽量多地回忆关于事故的细节. (recall)
The lawyer asked the witness to try to recall as many details about the accident as possible.
9.公众对改革反应良好. (receive)
The reforms have been well received b y the public.
10.D. H. Lawrence的小说一开始受到摈弃, 但后来它被认可为是一部天才的作品. (recognize)
D. H. Lawrence’s novel was rejected at first but it later came to be recognized as a work of
11.英国的经济花了很长时间才从战争的影响中复苏. (recover)
It took a long time for the British economy to recover from the effects of the war.
12.回家后, 洗个热水澡提提神. (refresh)
After you go back home, refresh yourself with a hot bath.
13.不管成本如何, 我要婚礼时整座教堂被白玫瑰所装点. (regardless)
I want the whole church decorated with white roses for the wedding, regardless of the cost.
It is fairly obvious that pollution and heavy car use are closely related.
Once you’ve mastered the basic skills of tennis, the rest is relativel y simple.
When the plane landed safely, we all felt a sense of relief.
The boy who used to be considered a slow student grew into a remarkable statesman and diplomat.
He begged her repeatedly to stop.
The firm has been dismissing experienced staff and replacing them with younger people on lower salaries.
The government claimed that the protesters represented only a minority opinion.
The rescue of all 208 passengers from the sinking ship seemed like a miracle.
Paul resembles his father in every way.
I’m afraid this table is reserved, sir.
I wanted to resign, but my boss persuaded me to stay.
Lots of insects have become resistant to pesticides.
Blue is a peaceful color while red often makes people restless.
Journalists should try to restrict themselves to reporting fairly and honestly what has really happened.
The hostages were reunited with their wives in the early hours of this morning.
The doctor did not reveal the truth to him.
You must keep on reviewing and revising your plan to meet the changing situation.
31. 正是英雄们对祖国的忠诚才给予我们和平与幸福。(loyalty)
It is the heroes’ loyalty to our motherland that brings us peace and happiness.
32. 人们永远不会忘记张学友在亚洲巡演时的激情演绎。(interpretation)
People would never forget the passionate interpretation by Zhang Xueyou on his Asian tour.
33. 看来很多学生已经对重复和记忆语法规则失去兴趣了。(It)
It seems that many students have lost interest in repeating and memorizing grammar rules.
34. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有400万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(linked)
According to a recent survey, four million people die each year of diseases linked to smoking.
35. 在演奏结束后,钢琴家喜极而泣,并以自己是一个中国音乐家而感到自豪。(pride)
After the performance, the pianist wept for joy and took pride in being a Chinese musician.
36. 我从来没有听说过有谁可以不花力气就当公司总裁的——除了富二代。(Never)
Never have I heard that anybody can be a company president without hard work – except the second generation of the rich.
37. 有些学生说学霸(score bully)的世界学渣(score victim)永远无法理解。(beyond)
Some students say that the world of score bullies is forever beyond the understanding of score victims.
38. 在《简爱》(Jane Eyre)中有一句话让我着迷,因为它很好地总结了我的人生。(fascinate)
There is one line in Jane Eyre that fascinates me because it sums up my life nicely.