CATIA V5教程—概述
一、CATIA V5构架与模块
1、CATIA V5构架总览
(1) CATIA V5主程序:为核心,所有的设计、制图/加工和模拟等操作都是再次构架下完成。
(2) CATIA V5在线帮助:包含所有主程序模块的时用说明、技术文件和操作实例。
(3) CAA V5CAAComponent Application Architecture提供用户在开发的接口,使用户可以在Microsoft Vistual C++6.0下,通过API调用程序核心,并在此基础上进行开发。
(4) CATIA  LUM:是CATIA的License(许可)管理工具,可以管理CATIA的许可使用,并建立License Server(许可服务器)。2、CATIA V5的模块总览
editor assigned是什么意思
以CATIA V5.11为例,它提供以下几种模块,每种模块中又有数个子单元。
(1) 基础构架Infrastructure
提供管理整个CATIA 构架的功能,包括Product StructureMaterial LibraryCatalog EditorRendering等:
(2) 机械设计Mechanical Design
(3) 造型Shape
(4) 分析与仿真Analysis & Simulation
(5) APC 工厂布局
(6) 数控加工NC Manufacturing
包含两轴到五轴加工的编程能力,并支持快速原型功能(STL Rapid Prototyping)。
(7) 数字化仿真Digital Mockup
(8) 设备与系统Equipment and Systems
(9) 制造的数字化过程Digital Process for Manufacturing
(10) 人体工学设计与分析Ergonomics Design&Anaysis
(11) 智能软件Knowledgeware
二、 基本使用环境
2.1  CATIA 的用户界面CATIA User Interface
2.2  操作技巧
1. 鼠标的使用
i. 使用三键鼠标,利用鼠标可以完成数种功能,包括选择和编辑对象、移动视角、右击打开弹出式菜单、旋转视角、物体的缩放等,具体使用如下:
ii. 选择和编辑对象:点击MB1
iii. 移动物体Translate:用MB2,按住中间不放,则物体随鼠标的移动而移动。(移动物体的视角)
iv. 打开弹处菜单:用MB3,在物体上单击右键,可打开快捷菜单。
v. 旋转物体Rotate:用MB2+MB1或MB2+MB3,现按中键,再按右键或左                                                        键不放,移动鼠标即可。点击中键可确定旋转中心。
vi. 物体缩放ZOOM:按中键MB2,再点击右键MB2或左键MB1,向上是放大物体,向下是缩小。
2. 指南针Compass
You can use a graphic manipulator referred to as the 3D compass to perform a certain number of manipulations on certain objects created and managed by certain applications (for example, Product Structure, Assembly, FreeStyle Shaper, DMU Navigator, etc.). 通过指南针,用户可以在Product Structure, Assembly, FreeStyle Shaper, DMU Navigator等过程中完成一系列的操作,如指定物体左X Y Z三轴的旋转和平移、在XY YZ ZX平面上的移动等,
The 3D compass lets you
manipulate viewpoints using the mouse and compass: this is just another way of panning and rotating all objects in the document at the same time
move and rotate non-constrained objects using the mouse and compass
Moving objects in this context means physically moving them so as to redefine their spatial coordinates with respect to the absolute axis system in a document. Moving should not be confused with panning an object, which simply modifies the viewpoint from which you look
at an object: the position of the object in the document remains the same.
move and rotate non-constrained objects using contextual command
lock the compass orientation
snap the compass automatically onto a selected object
set the plane in which you move objects parallel to the screen
switch the privileged plane(优先) to the XZ or YZ planes of the compass
use the privileged plane as a working plane in applications such as the FreeStyle Shaper application, for example, when manipulating control point manipulators on planar patches and curves.
注意:You can use the 3D compass to manipulate non-constrained objects, in other words, objects not linked together by constraints. However, you can manipulate groups of objects in assemblies which are linked to each other by constraints.
使用指南针操作视点(Manipulating Viewpoints的方法如下:
(1) 自由旋转:抓住指南针Z轴顶点,移动鼠标
(2) 旋转:抓住指南针平面上的弧线,移动鼠标
(3) 轴向移动pan along the direction of any axis (X, Y or Z) of the compass:抓住指南针上的轴线,移动鼠标
(4) 平面移动:抓住指南针上的平面,移动鼠标。
(5) 单一物体的移动:抓住指南针上的红方块,移动指南针到物体的任何一点,便可直接对物体进行平移、旋转等操作。在装配时,此功能非常有用。
(6) 快捷菜单:在指南针上单击右键,弹出快捷菜单
锁定当前方向Lock Current Orientation:固定当前视角
将优先平面的方向锁定为与屏幕平行的方向Lock Privileged Plane Orientation Parallel to Screen:
使XY平面为优先平面Make ZX Plane Privileged Plane:指定XY平面为指南针的基准面。
使YZ平面为优先平面Make ZX Plane Privileged Plane:
使ZX平面为优先平面Make ZX Plane Privileged Plane :
使优先平面最大程度可见Make Privileged Plane Most Visible:
自动抓取选定对象Snap Automatically to Selected Object:但击此项,再单击一个物体,指南针便指定到确定的物体上
3. 选择物体Select Objects
(1) 单选Simple Selection
在左边的“特征树Selection of Geometry of Tree Feature”上单击物体的名称,即可选择对应的物体,被选择的物体会高亮显示。
          Selection of geometry or of feature(s) in the tree
(2) 一次选多个物体Selection of Several Objects (Multi-selection):按Ctrl键,用鼠标MB1点击多个物体,即可选择多个物体。
(3) 直接用“编辑Edit”菜单中的“搜索Search”,按指定的属性选择有同一属性的物体。
(4) 利用“选择工具SelectToolbar”拖动鼠标
Select the Select icon to enter selection mode, if it is not already activated.
Drag (using the left mouse button).
A bounding outline will appear as you drag:
Drag the bounding outline until the object(s) you want to select is(are) completely inside the bounding outline. (The objects must be completely inside the bounding outline: if not, they will not be selected. )