I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations a
nd the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 
1. A. A teacher.    B. A doctor.    C. A policeman.    D. A boss.
2. A. Worried.    B. Anxious.    C. At ease.    D. Excited.
3. A. He plays the violin very well.    B. He was surprised by the woman’s skills.
C. He never knew the woman before.    D. He will win the competition.
4. A. The ticket is still expensive.    B. The ticket is very cheap.
C. He is jealous of the girl.    D. He doesn’t want to buy the ticket.
5. A. They are talking about a song.    B. They are talking about an opera.
C. They are talking about a film.    D. They are talking about a novel.
6. A. She doesn’t like basketball.
B. She thinks there is no valuable player.
C. She doesn’t want to talk with the man.
D. She is disappointed with their basketball team.
7. A. She thinks the man disturbs her.    B. The man is out of luck.
C. The only position was occupied yesterday.    D. She wants the man called her yesterday.
8. A. They will have a date.    B. They will go shopping together.
C. They will attend class in the school.    D. They will play badminton together.
9. A. They have enough time to finish this work.
B. They are unlucky to do this big assignment.
C. He doesn’t think it’s a big assignment.
D. He will not start working on this task until next month.
10. A. On Monday.    B. On Saturday.    C. On Thursday.    D. On Sunday.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passage and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twicebut the question will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 
11. A. The pizzas become cold when they reach you.
B. The pizzas need a long time to deliver.
C. The pizzas need a long time to cook.
D. It takes too much manpower to make pizzas.
12. A. 10 minutes.    B. 20 minutes.    C. Half an hour.    D. An hour.
13. A. Online shopping can stimulate consumption.
B. Working together with robots can improve our efficiency.
C. We should take the good use of the fragmented time.
D. The pizza house improved the speed of making pizzas.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Because the workforce is not well-trained.
B. Because supermarkets don’t have the space to add more checkout lines.
C. Because their security systems is never upgraded.
D. Because there are always many interruptions.
15. A. We should make sure that each customer has a checkout counters.
B. Another line is always moving faster than yours.
C. The chances of your line being the quickest is lower.
D. We are in bad luck if we choose the slowest line.
16. A. How can we choose the fastest line when we check out.
B. We can beat the system if given the chance
C. Queueing theory can provide an explanation to checkout at the store.
D. More complex problems are passed up to people with more training.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17. A. She will talk with George and help him out.
B. She will take George to consult a psychologist.
C. She will take George to play baseball.
D. She will help George to get the promotion.
pizza18. A. He thinks George is good at cooking.
B. He thinks George will be fine.
C. He thinks George needs to consult a psychologist.
D. He think George is a sentimental man.
19. A. George just wanted to stay alone.
B. George’s favorite basketball team was lost in the game.
C. George was crossed in love recently.
D. George didn’t get the promotion he was promised.
20. A. Maggie loves Jack very much.
B. Maggie is George’s sister.
C. Maggie takes George and Jake like a family.
D. Maggie is not optimistic at all.