举行这个词在英语中可以写作"to hold"。下面是对于如何使用这个词的一些英文讲解和例句:
"to hold" 是一个动词,表示举行、举办、举例、握住等意思。
1. hold an event: 举办一个活动
- We are planning to hold a conference next month. (我们计划下个月举办一次会议。)
- The school holds a sports day every year. (学校每年都会举办一次运动会。)
2. hold a meeting: 召开会议
- The boss will hold a meeting to discuss the new project. (老板会召开会议讨论新的项目。)
- The committee decided to hold a meeting to address the issue. (委员会决定召开会议解决
3. hold a ceremony: 举行典礼
- The couple decided to hold a private wedding ceremony. (这对夫妇决定举行一个私人婚礼仪式。)
- The school will hold a graduation ceremony for the graduating class. (学校将为毕业班举行毕业典礼。)
4. hold a concert: 举办音乐会
- The famous singer will hold a concert at the stadium. (这位著名歌手将在体育场举办一场音乐会。)
- The band is planning to hold a series of concerts across the country. (这支乐队计划在全国范围内举办一系列音乐会。)
5. hold an exhibition: 举办展览
- The museum will hold an art exhibition showcasing local artists. (博物馆将举办一场展示当地艺术家作品的艺术展。)
- The gallery is planning to hold an exhibition of photography. (画廊计划举办一次摄影展览。)
6. hold an interview: 进行面试
- The company will hold interviews for the vacant positions. (公司将对空缺职位进行面试。)
- The university is holding interviews for prospective students. (大学正在为有意愿报名的学生进行面试。)
1. hold one's hand: 握住某人的手
- She held her son's hand as they crossed the street. (她在过马路时握住了儿子的手。)
The couple walked hand in hand, holding each other tightly. (这对夫妇手拉手,牢牢地彼此依靠。)
2. hold one's breath: 屏住呼吸
- The audience held their breath as the acrobat performed dangerous stunts. (杂技演员表演危险动作时,观众都屏住了呼吸。)
- I held my breath underwater for as long as I could. (我尽可能长时间地屏住呼吸在水下。)
3. hold one's tongue: 沉默;不说话
- He had to hold his tongue in order to keep the secret. (为了保守秘密,他不得不保持沉默。)
- I couldn't hold my tongue any longer and finally spoke up. (我再也忍不住,最终开口说了出来。)
这些只是举几个例子来说明"to hold"这个词的用法和表达方式。在不同的句子和上下文中,
它的具体用法会有所不同。因此,熟练掌握使用这个词的技巧和细微差别非常重要。希望这些例子能够帮助你更好地理解和使用"to hold"。