英语名词有可数和不可数之分,可数名词又有单数和复数之分,其复数形式是通过名词本身的词形变化表示的,而汉语名词本身则没有之一变化特征,没有表示数的词形变化,只有“们”字用来表示人称名词的多数概念。 一些英语名词的复数概念必须在译文中表达出来,否则,就不能正确表达原文的意思。汉语名词复数的概念主要用以下几种手段表达:一是使用表示数量的形容词(如,许多、一些、大量、各种,等等);二是使用数量词(如,两个、一对、一双,等等),另外, 汉语还可以借助副词(如, 都、全、总是、每次,等等)以及重叠构形法,既用重叠词或对字(如,人人、处处、件件,等等)。因此,增词法和重复法是汉语表达复数概念的主要方法。
(一) 当英语名词的复数形式表示非具体的数量概念,又必须在译文中加以体现时,可根据原文的意思,增补“们”、“若干”、“许多”、”“那些”、“各种”等表示复数概念的形容词译出。如:
1. He studied his native language and the languages of the world. 
2.The work of months and the dreams of years became nothing.
数月的辛劳和多年的梦想成了泡影 。
3.However, there are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise.
6.Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play. 此外,它还能让你安排好各种活动,既有足够的时间工作,也有足够的时间娱乐。
(二) 当名词的数目概念可以根据逻辑意思推断出来时,可是情况增补“两个”、“一对”、“双”等词译出。如:
1.Suddenly, something inside me turned. I reached out and put my arms around her.
2.The voltage across the ends of a wire is known to be equal to the current times resistance. 众所周知,导线两端之间的电压等于电流乘电阻
enable的名词形式3.Ordinary table salt is made up of the elements of sodium and chlorine. 普通食用盐时有钠和氯两种元素组成的。
(三) 补汉语副词“全”、“总”、“往往”、“每当……都”、“分别”、等词译出复数概念。如:
1. The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color. 工场间的墙壁全是一片暗灰。
2. He had developed theories that were profound and capable of exciting relatively few scientists. .他提出的理论总是很深奥,只有少数科学家感兴趣。
3. In my French and English translations I adopted an excellent method, which, from my own success, I would recommend to the imitation of students. 每当法语和英语翻译时,我都采取一个绝妙的办法;根据我自己成功的经验,我愿将它介绍给学生,以便他们模仿。
4.The judge let the man off with warnings not to cause trouble again. 法官对那人再三提出警告,不得重新作案,然后就把他释放了。
5.Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。
6.Make a list of your weekly tasks. 把你每周要完成的任务分别列出来。
  除上述翻译方法外, 还可以借助重叠构形法,重叠单音节名词或量词来表达名词复数概念,如“人人”、“处处”、“家家”(单音节名词)、“个个”、“件件”(量词)等。如:
1. The narrow,sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage;the walls were dirty with ink marks;it was all silent. 那狭窄不见阳光的走廊里发出一股腐烂的卷心菜味,闻上去很不舒服;墙上墨迹斑斑,显得很脏,周围一片寂静。
2. Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous—looking Christmas shoppers,the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place. 为圣诞节忙着采购商品的顾客个个喜形于,看上去都很富裕。老人矮小黑的身影在这人中间显得很可怜,很不相称。
3. The twenty people sit like stone images while he counts. 在他数的过程中,那二十个人都象一尊尊石雕一样端坐在那。
4. The war left scars on his back. 那场战争在他后背上留下了块块伤疤
5. Flowers bloom all over the yard. 庭院里盛开着朵朵鲜花
6. The gentle waves washed over the boats. 层层浪花拍打着小船。
1. Neither plants nor animals could exist without air and water. 没有空气和水,无论是动物还是植物都无法生存。
2. Yet,in a day when few noble person ever spoke to those of humble origins except to give an order,Jefferson went out of his way to talk with gardenersservants and waiters.  在那个年代,贵族除了发号施令以外很少跟出身卑贱的人说话, 然而,杰斐逊却想尽办法跟园丁、仆人和侍者交谈。
3. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. 是的,即使中等智力水平的学生,在不增加学习负担的情况下,也能成为优等生。
1.I could sense her pain and tension of holding back the strong emotions that were interrupted by my arrival. 我可以感觉到她的痛苦,也感觉到她在极力抑制着由于我闯进来而被打断的强烈情感的发泄。
1. What are her feelings towards him?  她对他的印象如何?
2. Trust your instincts in this matter.  在这件事上, 那还是相信自己的本能吧。
3. She always follows her own inclinations. 她总是按自己的好恶行事。
    communications satellite 通讯卫星  seconds hand 秒针
    examinations paper 试卷            greetings card 贺卡
(一) 直接省去预指代词
1. Allowing for their numbers twice as many black men as white fought in the war in Vietnam and twice as many died in that war. 就人数而言,在越南战争中参战的黑人是白人的两倍,死亡人数也是白人的两倍。
2. Even in her old age, Margaret remained a neat worker. 即使到了晚年,玛格丽特干起活来仍干净利落。
3. Back at his apartment, Logan borrowed a portable type—writer from the man upstairs. 回到公寓后,洛根向楼上的人借了一台手提式打字机。
(二) 将所指代的词或词组提前,以省去预指代词
1. After she’d been married just over a year, Nora’s first baby was born. 诺拉结婚刚一年,就生下了第一个孩子。