my dream school作文带翻译(通用25篇)
my dream school作文带翻译 篇1
Everyone should go to school, of course, each person has their own ideal school. The ideal school does, indeed, than it is now for one hundred times.
Is my ideal school has a air conditioner in every classroom. In this way, students can study in a comfortable environment. The students will also develop the interest of reading.
Next, the school prepare a laptop to the students. So, every student have their own laptops, not with the students of class and don't share. Moreover, schools don't have to set up the computer room, directly on computers in the classroom.
In addition, the school has two shades of the swimming pool. "Swimming pool for advanced learning swimming, shallow to lower grades. The school can also hold swimming test every three months. So students can the drowning man, when he fell into the water can save his life.
Finally, set up the indoor basketball courts, badminton and table tennis games. Then, the volleyball court and football field set to outdoor. Physical education, students can respectively to want to go to the stadium.
This is my ideal school. Hope I can study in this school.
my dream school作文带翻译 篇2
This is my dream school.It is very big and beautiful. There are a lot of buildings in my dream school. You can see many flowers ,trees and butterfly here and there in the school yard.There is a classroom building and a big library and cinema near the playground.Every day,many students play football on the playground. And a few students play happily on the playground.Some students play basketball.
There is a swimming pool in the gym. The computer room is next to the teacher’s office. My classmates and I often play computer games there.
Do you like my dream school? Can you tell me something about your dream school?
my dream school作文带翻译 篇3
i always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8: and ends at 3: there are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. we can choose our favorite lessons to learn. we can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. we needn’t do a lot of homework. we are all happy to stay at school.
besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. there are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. sweet perfumes are diffused all around. if i want to have a re
st, i can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.the teachers here are kind and helpful. they are not only our teachers but also our good friends. the students are polite and friendly. we all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. there is no litter around the campus.
i love my dream school. we will grow up to be happier there.
my dream school作文带翻译 篇4
The school in my dream is very beautiful.
There are many flowers and trees in the garden in front of the taeching building.And the teaching building is in the south of school.It six has floors.The second floor is sound labwe can have classes there.The third floor has two librariesthree computer rooms and three science rooms.
I'm very want study there!This is my dream school.
my dream school作文带翻译 篇5
Once I was asked what my dream school woule be like I considered about that and now I get my dream school clearly.
My dream school should be a beautiful place, one having trees and flowers. And there will be equipped by high-tech equipments. What's more. there must be friendly schoolmates and kind teachers in it. In addition my dream school may not have many exams .