    I feel relieved when I successfully complete a task or achieve a goal. The sense of relief comes from the fact that I have overcome obstacles and accomplished something that I set out to do. This feeling of relief is often accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and pride in my abilities.
relieved是什么意思    When I face challenges or difficulties, it can be quite stressful and overwhelming. However, once I am able to overcome these obstacles and reach my desired outcome, I feel a great sense of relief. This relief is a result of the pressure being lifted off my shoulders and the knowledge that I have successfully tackled a difficult task.
    For example, when I was preparing for a major exam, I spent countless hours studying and reviewing the material. The process was mentally and physically exhausting, and there were moments when I doubted my abilities. However, when I finally received my exam result
s and realized that I had passed with flying colors, I felt an immense sense of relief. All the hard work and effort had paid off, and I could finally relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor.