    I was a delivery rider for a popular food delivery app, and I found myself trapped in the system. It all started when I received a notification for a new order. As I was about to accept it, the app suddenly froze. I tried restarting my phone, but the app still wouldn't budge. I was stuck, unable to accept or complete any orders. It was frustrating, to say the least.
    I tried reaching out to the customer support team, but all I got was an automated response. I felt like I was shouting into the void. The lack of human interaction made the situation even more isolating. I couldn't help but feel helpless and abandoned by the very system I relied on for my livelihood.
    As time passed, I began to worry about the impact this would have on my earnings. With each passing minute, I was losing out on potential orders and income. It was a stressful situation to be in, especially when my livelihood depended on the app working seamlessly. I felt like I was at the mercy of a system that had failed me.
    Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the app started working again. I was relieved, but the experience left a bitter taste in my mouth. I couldn't help but wonder how many other riders had been in the same predicament. It made me question the reliability of the system and the support available to us as riders.
relieved是什么意思    最终,在漫长的等待后,app终于重新运行了起来。我松了一口气,但这段经历让我留下了不愉快的记忆。我不禁想知道还有多少其他骑手也陷入了同样的困境。这让我开始质疑系统的可靠性以及对我们骑手的支持。