英语作文医生工作的利弊 篇1
Doctor is a common profession, but its content and duty make this profession not common. Different people have different views towards this job. In my opinion, being a doctor has advantages and disadvantages.
Being a doctor is easy to earn respect as its job duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. This makes their job becomes noble. Besides, when they save people, they will have a sense of accomplishment, too. When it comes to this, the profession as a doctor is good for people to develop their loving heart and responsibility, which will make them better people. Of course, their salary is very high.
However, being a doctor is also a risky. Their job is saving people, so sometimes their carelessness will take a person’s life. As a result, sometimes it will cause some medical disputes. What’s more, doctor is always very busy. They usually can not have a break when they are at work. As for time, the job needs them to shift working. Thus, they do not have too much time to company their families and friends.
Every coin has two sides. So does the job of being a doctor. But, I think the good side is more than the bad side.
英语作文医生工作的利弊 篇2
My Aunt Edith was a widow secretary. When doctors found out that it was considered a very seous heart disease, Aunt Edith was not easy to accept faile. She be to study medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine that a famous cardiac sgeon, Dr.
Michael DeBakey of Houston, Texas, rescued her His life is about people suffeng fm the same disease. The article says that Dr. debecki's expenses are very high, and Aunt Edith may not be able to afford it, but he can tell her the cost of someone she can pay.
So Aunt Edith wte to him, and she simply listed the reasons why she wanted to live: her three children could live independently in three to fo years, and she made a all tp and to The dream of the world. She sent this letter. In fact, she didn't expect to hear back in a few days.
My doorbell rang. Aunt Edith couldn't wait to come in. She stood in the hall and read aloud: "o betiful letter deeply touched me.
If you can come to Houston, the hospital and debarky operation sn years ago are free. Aunt Edith travels nd the world, and her three children are with her She is one of the youngest and most energetic people I know becse she is an open-minded sgeon who knows how to respect his pfession and how to open his heart.
英语作文医生工作的利弊 篇3
Choosing a career one of the most important pblems a young person faces is deciding what to do. Of cose, some people know fm the age of six that they want to be a doctor, a pil
ot, or a firefighter, but most of us until someone or someone or something forces us to face the pblem: choosing a career takes time, and when you decide what you want to do, there are a lot of things you have to think about. You may find that you have to take some special coses to be able to To be qualified for a certain job, or you may find that you need to oain practical work expeence to acquire enough knowledge to be competent for a specific job.
Fortunately, in most schools, you can ask many people for advice and to make yo decision. A qualified teacher will give you detailed job qualification information. You can discuss yo ideas with yo family and fends We are always ready to listen and make suggestions.