Whats a balanced diet?
□学科:英语  □年级:九年级  □教材版本:上海教育出版社         
□所属章节:9A unit 6 Healthy diet
1. 根据课文Doris 体检之后明白均衡饮食的重要性,因此整个课堂我设置Doris生病这个情景,从开篇的视频导入引出Doris Z喜欢吃视频中包括的不健康食品,再一次体检中惊醒决心改变饮食习惯。
2. 体检之后约了好友Samuel吃饭,看到Samuel 点的食物之后,由此课堂设计了通过听力抓取关键信息比较两者点的食物是否健康,谁的食物更健康。
3. 在学生带着“什么是均衡饮食?”这个问题朗读课文以后,通过给予生动的图片带动学生描述“什么是均衡饮食?”
4. 在获得均衡饮食的概念以后,再让学生去比较Doris 和Samuel 两个人的饮食谁更均衡以及分析原因,由此导出饮食金字塔这个常识。
5. 在明白Samuel 的饮食不够健康以后,号召全班同学以小组为单位共同为Samuel 出谋划策,在老师提供菜单的前提下,重新点一份餐。
6. 均衡饮食关系到我们每一个人的健康,因此在课堂最后号召大家写一篇关于如何保持健康的作文,让我们的所学应用到我们的实际生活中,同时引起学生对自身饮食方式的反思。
Knowledge aims:
1. Learn some new words;
2. Be able to catch the key information while listening and reading;
3. Can understand what a balanced diet is.
Ability aims:
1. Improve listening and speaking abilities;
2. Can give some advice to Samuel and order some food for him.
Emotional aims:
1. Get to know more about diet pyramid.
2. Be aware of the importance of balanced diet;
3. Learn to review their own diet habits and keep healthy;
Teaching & learning importance:
1. Compare Doris’s and Samuel’s different diets after reading;
2. Can find the key information about balanced diet in the textbook.
Teaching & learning difficulties:
1. Summarize what a balanced diet is;
2. Give suitable advice to Samuel and order food for him.
Teaching steps:
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
Step I. Lead-in
1. Show a video about healthy food and unhealthy food
2. Design a situation that Doris gets sick because of the unhealthy food and the doctor gave her advice
1. Watch a video and try to remember the food in the video
2. Try to explain the reason why Doris gets ick after eating the food in the video.
1. To review some words and stimulate the Ss interest in the topic
2. To get the topic smoothly
3. To understand people will get sick because of unhealthy food
Step II: Pre-reading
1. Show a picture about Doris and Samuel in a restaurant and askwhat are they doing?”
1. Observe the picture and guess what Doris and Samuel are doing.
1. To know about some simple information about the passage.
Step III. Listening
1. Ask the students to listen carefully with some tasks and write down some notes.
1. Listen carefully and try to catch the key information to the question
1. To know what Doris and Samuels order for dinner and analyze whether their diets are healthy.
Step IV. While- reading
1. Ask the students to read the passage and find the information about a balanced diet
2. Ask the students to compare who has a balanced diet between Doris and Samuel.
1. Read the passage together and pay attention to the balanced diet
2. Compare Doriss and Samuels diet to know who has a balanced diet.
1. To catch the key information about a balanced diet
2. To know further what a balanced diet is.
Step V.
1. Ask the students to give Samuel advice and help him order some food.
1. Try to give Samuel advice in group discussion and help him order some food.
1. To know more about a balanced diet and use it in daily life.
Step VI:
1. Ask the students to write a composition: how to keep healthy?
1. Be prepared to write: how to keep healthy?
1. To pay more attention to balanced diet and learn to keep healthy.