stretch up high    英文回答:
    One memorable event that comes to mind is when I went on a road trip with my friends last summer. We decided to drive up the coast and visit different beach towns along the way. It was a spontaneous decision, and we didn't have a set plan, which made the trip even more exciting.
    We started off early in the morning, and as we hit the road, we blasted our favorite tunes and sang along at the top of our lungs. The weather was perfect, and the sun was shining, making it the ideal day for a road trip. We stopped at various scenic spots to take pictures and stretch our legs. The whole experience felt liberating, and we were all in high spirits.
    As we drove further, we stumbled upon a charming little town with a bustling farmer's market. We decided to park and explore the area, trying out different local foods and chatting with the friendly vendors. It was a refreshing change of pace from our busy city lives, and we savored every moment of it.