    As one of the pioneers of China's nuclear program, I am honored to be considered a "Two Bombs, One Satellite" hero. This title refers to the successful development of China's atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, and satellite in the 1960s.
    My involvement in this historic achievement began in the late 1950s when China decided to develop its own nuclear weapons. At that time, I was a young scientist working in a research institute. The task was daunting, as China lacked both the technology and resources necessary for such a feat.
    Nevertheless, we were determined to succeed. We worked tirelessly, conducting numerous experiments and overcoming countless challenges. It was a race against time, as we knew that other countries were also developing their own nuclear weapons.
    One of the most memorable moments during this journey was when we successfully deton
ated our first atomic bomb in 1964. It was a moment of triumph and pride, knowing that we had achieved what many thought was impossible. This achievement not only boosted our confidence but also showcased China's technological capabilities to the world.
    Another significant milestone was the successful development of the hydrogen bomb in 1967. This was an even more complex and challenging task, requiring advanced scientific knowledge and precise calculations. But once again, we persevered and achieved success.
    The development of the satellite, known as Dongfanghong-1, was the final piece of the puzzle. It was launched into space in 1970, marking China's entry into the space age. This achievement not only demonstrated our technological prowess but also had practical applications, such as weather forecasting and communication.