    The weather is an ever-changing phenomenon that affects our daily lives. It can be sunny and warm one day, and rainy and cold the next. As a result, it is important to stay informed about the weather forecast in order to plan our activities accordingly.
    One of the most common types of weather is sunny and clear skies. This type of weather is characterized by a bright sun, blue sky, and warm temperatures. It is perfect for outdoor activities such as picnics, hiking, or going to the beach. For example, I remember a sunny day last summer when I went to the park with my friends. We played frisbee, had a barbecue, and enjoyed the sunshine.
    On the other hand, there are also days when the weather is cloudy and overcast. This type of weather is characterized by gray clouds covering the sky, and it often indicates that rain is on the way. It can be a bit gloomy and damp, but it also has its own charm. For instance, I re
call a cloudy day when I stayed at home and read a book while sipping a cup of hot tea. It was a cozy and relaxing day.
    Another type of weather that we often experience is rainy weather. This is when precipitation falls from the sky in the form of raindrops. Rainy weather can be a bit inconvenient as it may require us to carry an umbrella or wear a raincoat. However, it can also be quite refreshing and soothing. I remember a rainy day when I was walking down the street and suddenly a heavy downpour started. I took shelter under a tree and watched as the raindrops fell on the ground, creating small puddles. It was a peaceful moment.
    In addition to sunny, cloudy, and rainy weather, there are also times when we experience extreme weather conditions such as storms or heatwaves. These types of weather can be more challenging to deal with and may require us to take extra precautions. For example, during a heatwave, it is important to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Similarly, during a storm, it is important to seek shelter and stay away from windows or tall objects that may pose a risk.