    英文回答,The beauty that cannot be expressed by words is a kind of beauty that doesn't require language. It can be a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a poem, or a natural landscape. This beauty is conveyed through the senses and emotions of the viewer, without the need for language. The beauty that cannot be expressed by words is a shared experience that transcends language and culture, allowing people from different backgrounds and experiences to connect and understand each other.
    英文回答,The charm of the beauty that cannot be expressed by words lies in its purity and directness. It doesn't require translation or explanation because its meaning and emotions are directly conveyed to the viewer. For example, when I admire a painting, the artist expresses their emotions and thoughts through colors, lines, and shapes. I can understand the meaning the artist wants to convey by observing and feeling these elements, without the need for language to explain.
    英文回答,The beauty that cannot be expressed by words can also be a piece of music. Music is a universal language that can convey emotions and stories through melody, harmony, and rhythm. When I listen to a beautiful piece of music, I can feel the emotions and meanings behind it, even if I don't understand the specific lyrics. Music has the power to touch people's souls and create resonance, transcending language and cultural boundaries.
    英文回答,The beauty that cannot be expressed by words can also be a dance. Dance is an art form that expresses emotions and stories through body language. When dancers perform graceful movements and unique dance techniques on stage, the audience can feel the emotions and meanings that the dancers want to convey. Dance can convey emotions through body movements and expressions, without the need for language.