    I understand that you feel anxious about communicating in English with others. It can be intimidating to use a language that you're not completely comfortable with. However, I believe that with practice and confidence, you can overcome this fear and improve your English communication skills.include意思
    One way to build your confidence is by starting with simple conversations. Begin by speaking with friends or family members who are also learning English or are fluent in the language. This will create a comfortable and supportive environment for you to practice speaking English without feeling judged or embarrassed. As you gain more confidence, gradually expand your conversations to include native English speakers or join language exchange groups where you can practice with others who are also learning English.
    Another helpful strategy is to expose yourself to English as much as possible. Watch Engli
sh movies or TV shows, listen to English podcasts or music, and read English books or articles. This will help you become more familiar with the language and improve your listening and comprehension skills. Additionally, try to incorporate English into your daily life by thinking and even dreaming in English. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the more comfortable and natural it will feel to communicate in English.
    Remember that making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process. Don't be afraid to speak up and take risks. Native English speakers often appreciate the effort and are willing to help you improve. If you encounter difficulties in expressing yourself, try using gestures, facial expressions, or even drawing to convey your message. Communication is not just about words, but also about understanding and connecting with others.